Irene Rosalina. 2019. The Questioning Techniques Used to Promote Students’ Critical Thinking Implemented By Two Different Education Background Teachers. Thesis. Language and Literature Education Program. Post graduate of State University of Surabaya. Supervisors: (1) Drs, Slamet Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D. (2) Dr. Suhartono, M.Pd.
Keywords: Questioning, Display, Referential, Technique
Critical thinking significance been extensively discussed in foreign language classroom (Natthanan 2009; Shen &Yodkhumlue, 2013). Research has indicated that asking questions is one of the means for enhancing learners’ critical thinking skills (King, 1995; Ma, 2008). The current study investigates the used of questioning and the way two different education background teachers, the domestically and internationally educated teachers, used questions in classroom to promote critical thinking. The two teachers were chosen to be investigated related with the investigation whether the study environment, in domestic and international University would also give significant differences. Qualitative study, classroom observations, and interviews with two teachers conducted. The observations were done in general English classes with various materials, but emphasizing in speaking. The results indicated that the teachers asked higher-order questions in referential type more frequently than teachers in other studies (Natthanan, 2009; Tan, 2007; Shoomossi, 2004). As the non-native speakers, both of the teachers could employ the referential questions excessively. Despite holding different beliefs concerning how to teach critical thinking, both teachers were aware of critical thinking in their questioning circumstances. In the observation and interviews, the teachers explained the reasons for conducting some purposes of questioning in class. Based on these results, this study offers recommendations for effective teachers’ questioning technique for the development of learners’ critical thinking skills.
The analysis of qualitative data indicates that both of the teachers implemented the questions in class to serve some purpose of display and referential types, those were to elicit response, recall information, check understanding, guide learner toward particular response, eliciting longer response, stimulate discussion, encourage conversation. In the stimulating discussion section, both of the teachers apply some referential questions introducing interpretation, explanation, analysis, and inference and self-regulation aspect in critical thinking.
Analysis aspect promotion questions were the highly frequencies used by both teacher. They stimulate the discussion by giving some problematic questions to be answered by the students. The exposed to these kind of questions could raise longer response and analytically analysis from the students.
The most remarkable aspect of critical thinking, that was self- regulation, was also excavated in the questioning section. The teacher, especially the domestically educated teacher used some questions to let the students introspected the problem, and the errors.
Despite of the similarities of the questioning purpose usage in class, the teachers delivered the questions within their own styles. The domestically educated teacher used mixed Indonesian-Javanese and English, but the internationally educated teacher employ the questions into whole English. She probe the questions a lot of time in order to make the questions be understood and simpler. If the students seemed did not give any response, the internationally educated teacher gave another analogy toward the subject matter instead of give the questions right away nor answer her own questions. The significant different was then in the technique of using wait-time in initiating followed questions in class. Both of the teachers use wait time in different halt time. The internationally educated teacher provide longer wait time than the domestically educated teacher that it can provide students more time to think and give response.
Kata kunci: Pertanyaan, Tampilan, Referensi, Teknik
Pentingnya mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis telah banyak dibahas di kelas bahasa asing (Natthanan 2009; Shen & Yodkhumlue, 2013). Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa mengajukan pertanyaan adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik (King, 1995; Ma, 2008). Studi saat ini menyelidiki penggunaan pertanyaan dan cara guru yang berpendidikan domestik dan internasional menggunakan pertanyaan di kelas untuk mempromosikan pemikiran kritis. Kedua guru tersebut dipilih untuk diselidiki terkait dengan penyelidikan terkait dengan lingkungan studi, di Universitas domestik dan internasional juga akan memberikan perbedaan yang signifikan. Pengamatan kelas, dan wawancara dengan dua guru dilakukan. Pengamatan dilakukan di kelas bahasa Inggris umum dengan berbagai bahan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa para guru mengajukan pertanyaan tingkat tinggi dalam tipe referensial lebih sering daripada guru yang belajar di dalam negeri (Natthanan, 2009; Tan, 2007; Shoomossi, 2004). Meskipun memiliki keyakinan yang berbeda tentang bagaimana mengajarkan pemikiran kritis, kedua guru sadar akan pemikiran kritis dalam situasi pertanyaan mereka. Dalam observasi dan wawancara, para guru menjelaskan alasan untuk melakukan beberapa tujuan pertanyaan di kelas. Berdasarkan hasil ini, penelitian ini menawarkan rekomendasi untuk teknik bertanya guru yang efektif untuk pengembangan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik.
Analisis data kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa kedua guru menerapkan pertanyaan di kelas untuk melayani beberapa tujuan tampilan dan tipe referensi, yaitu untuk memperoleh respons, mengingat informasi, memeriksa pemahaman, cek konsep , membimbing pelajar menuju respons tertentu, memperoleh respons yang lebih lama , merangsang diskusi, mendorong percakapan. Dalam bagian diskusi yang di stimulasi, kedua guru menerapkan beberapa pertanyaan tingkat tinggi yang memperkenalkan aspek penjelasan, analisis dan pengaturan diri dalam pemikiran kritis.
Terlepas dari kesamaan penggunaan tujuan tanya jawab di kelas, para guru menyampaikan pertanyaan dengan gaya mereka sendiri. Guru yang dididik di dalam negeri menggunakan campuran Bahasa Indonesia-Jawa dan Inggris, tetapi guru yang berpendidikan internasional menggunakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ke dalam seluruh bahasa Inggris. Dia menyelidiki banyak pertanyaan untuk membuat pertanyaannya lebih mudah dipahami dan dipahami. Jika siswa tampaknya tidak memberikan tanggapan, guru yang berpendidikan internasional ini memberikan analogi lain terhadap materi pelajaran alih-alih memberikan pertanyaan langsung atau menjawab pertanyaannya sendiri. Perbedaan yang signifikan kemudian dalam teknik menggunakan waktu tunggu dalam memulai pertanyaan yang diikuti di kelas. Kedua guru menggunakan waktu tunggu dalam waktu berhenti yang berbeda. Guru yang berpendidikan internasional menyediakan waktu tunggu lebih lama daripada guru yang dididik di dalam negeri sehingga dapat memberikan siswa lebih banyak waktu untuk berpikir dan memberikan respons