The impact of the pdam pipanization project on changing social economic conditions in bungah district, gresik REGENCY
Aktifitas Aktifitas proyek pemasangan pipa PDAM dilaksanakan di dua Kecamatan yakni Kecamatan Manyar dan Kecamatan Bungah bergerak dalam bidang pelayanan air minum selama tiga tahun. Proyek pipa PDAM ini berdampak pada kondisi sosial meliputi perubahan kondisi lingkungan dan ekonomi meliputi perubahan pendapatan pedagang Kecamatan Bungah khususnya di Desa Bungah. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui perbedaan yang diakibatkan oleh proyek pipa PDAM terhadap kondisi sosial dan kondisi ekonomi pedagang di Kecamatan Bungah khususnya di Desa Bungah pada saat ini.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Lokasi yang dijadikan dalam penelitian berada di Kecamatan Bungah Kabupaten Gresik, dikarenakan Kecamatan Bungah merupakan sebagian kecamatan yang terkena proyek penanaan pipa PDAM khususnya di Desa Bungah. Jumlah populasi di Desa Bungah 108 jiwa yang terdampak dan diambel sampel sebanyak 70 responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif frekuensi yaitu dengan mengolah data di lapangan sehingga memperoleh jawaban responden berupa satuan persen dan paired sample t test untuk menguji perbedaan kondisi sosial dan kondisi ekonomi sebelum dan sesudah proyek.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Kondisi sosial yang berubah adalah kondisi lingkungan yang tidak nyaman diakibatkan oleh kebisingan dari alat berat (mesin bor) dan kerusakan jalan. 2) Kondisi ekonomi yang terdampak terkait omset penjualan menurun sebesar Rp 3.000.000 untuk pedagang ruko dan menurun sebesar Rp 1.000.000 untuk PKL. Hasil paired sample t test menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0,000> probabilitas 0,05, artinya ada perbedaan pendapatan pedagang ruko dan PKL sebelum proyek dan pada saat proyek berlangsung.
Kata Kunci: kondisi social, kondisi ekonomi, PDAM, pipanisasi
PDAM pipe installation project activities are carried out in two sub-districts, namely Manyar and Bungah sub-districts, which are engaged in drinking water services. This PDAM pipeline project has an impact on social conditions including changes in environmental and economic conditions including changes in the income of traders in Bungah District, especially in Bungah Village. The purpose of this study is to find out the changes caused by the PDAM pipe project to the socio-economic conditions of traders in Bungah District, especially in Bungah Village at this time.
This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The location used in the research is in the Bungah District, Gresik Regency, because the Bungah District is part of the sub-district affected by the PDAM pipeline project, especially in Bungah Village. The total population in Bungah Village is 108 people who are affected and a sample of 70 respondents is taken. Sampling techniques and information is done selectively. The data analysis technique uses descriptive statistics of frequency, namely by processing data in the field so that the respondent's answers are in the form of percent.
The results of the study show 1) Changed social conditions are uncomfortable environmental conditions caused by noise from heavy equipment (drilling machines) and road damage. 2) The affected economic conditions related to sales turnover decreased by Rp. 3,000,000 for shop-house traders and decreased by Rp. 1,000,000 for street vendors. The results of the paired sample t test show a significance value of 0.000 > 0.05 probability, meaning that there is a difference in the income of shop-house traders and street vendors before the project and during the project.
Keywords: sosial condition, economic condition, PDAM, pipeline