Rubiyantika Astutiningtyas, 2023. Material Development in Dance Teaching Materials for High School Level, Cultural Arts Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University, Supervisor (1) Dr. I Nengah Mariasa, M.Hum. Supervisor (2) Dr. Setyo Yanuartuti, M.Si.
Keywords: Material, Teaching
School Students
This research is motivated by a problem
found by researchers during observations at SMAN 1 Babat, namely
lack of references to teaching materials to follow the new
curriculum proclaimed by the government, namely the independent curriculum. The
independent curriculum,
especially the cultural arts subjects which were previously in curriculum 13, have changed to dance arts subjects in the independent curriculum, of course
this field adjusts the background of the
teacher graduates in the school or institution. For example, if in that educational institution there is an art teacher with a background of graduates
from Theater S1, then this teacher can provide special student material for theater, as we ll as an art teacher who has
a background of music, fine arts and dance graduates. . The teaching material on creating dance has not been explained at all in the LKS, even though the learning objectives for
subject of
dance in
independent curriculum clearly require students to create dance works, even
though the dance works are very simple. Therefore teachers and
students need references that discuss dance knowledge for
school. How can students be able to create dance forms that are easily accepted
and practiced
by students.
This student dance creation research approach uses Research and Development with the Four-D development model which is
poured through material entitled Development of Materials
in Dance Teaching Materials for High School Level. This study uses
theory of Creativity by Raham
Wallas and choreography studies. Data
collection techniques are carried out
by observation, interviews, expert validation processes, and the results of trial applications on products. Data analysis
techniques in the form of qualitative and quantitative descriptive
in the form of scores.
The results
showed that: (1) The process of developing material in dance teaching
materials for senior high school level used a Research and Development approach with the Four-D model, (2) The quality of the material was determined through feasibility scores by material, language, and design expert validators with an average -the average percentage (84%) so that the material
said to be feasible to try out, (3) The practicality of the material shows that students (79%) and teachers (85%) show that the
material in teaching materials is used
by students and teachers. From the description of the development process, the percentage of product quality, and the percentage of product effectiveness, it can be shown that the material
in the good and proper category.