Model pembelajaran sinektik bermedia film animasi merupakan model pembelajaran yang menarik. Model pembelajaran ini digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran menulis teks narasi. Pemilihan model pembelajaran dan media ini diharapkan dapat memunculkan ide-ide dan keterampilan menulis siswa. Menulis teks narasi merupakan salah satu kompetensi dasar yang terdapat di kelas VII SMP dalam kurikulum 2013.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tentang (1) penerapan model pembelajaran sinektik bermedia film animasi dalam pembelajaran menulis teks narasi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Brondong lamongan, (2) keefektifan model pembelajaran sinektik bermedia film animasi terhadap kemampuan menulis teks narasi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Brondong Lamongan, (3) respon siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Brondong Lamongan setelah mengikuti pembelajaran menulis teks narasi dengan model sinektik bermedia film animasi.
Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian jenis True Ekperimental Design. Desain eksperimen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Pretest-posttest control grup design. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 1 Brondong Lamongan. Variabel yang terdapat pada penelitian ini adalah variabel bebas (model pembelajaran sinektik bermedia film animasi) dan variabel terikat (kemampuan menulis teks narasi). Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi teknik observasi, teknik tes, dan teknik angket.
Simpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) penerapan model pembelajaran sinektik bermedia film animasi dalam pembelajaran menulis teks narasi berjalan dengan baik hal tersebut didukung oleh hasil observasi aktifitas siswa berkategori sangat baik dengan skor 89% dan aktivitas guru berkategori sangat baik dengan skor 93%, (2) model pembelajaran sinektik bermedia film animasi sangat efektif dan berpengaruh positif terbukti dari hasil nilai pada kelas kontrol rata-rata nilai pretes 54,67 dan nilai postes 71,16 sehingga terdapat selisih 17,09. Pada eksperimen rata-rata nilai pretes 56,93 dan nilai postes 80,16 sehingga terdapat selisih 23,23. Berdasarkan perhitungan uji T pada taraf signifikasi 5% diperoleh hasil thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (2,549> 2.000), (3) respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran menulis teks narasi dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran sinektik bermedia film animasi sangat positif. Hal tersebut dibuktikan jawaban-jawaban dari aspek-aspek yang diisi siswa. Dari delapan aspek pernyataan tujuh di antaranya dijawab “Ya” oleh 100% siswa. Hanya ada 1 siswa yang menjawab “Tidak” pada satu aspek pernyataan.
Kata Kunci : Keefektifan, model pembelajaran sinektik, media film Animasi, keterampilan menulis narasi.
The synthetic learning model based on animated films is an interesting learning model. The learning model is used in the learning process of writing anarrative text. The selection of the learning model and media is expected to come up with students' ideas and writing skills. Writing the narrative text is one of the basic competency found in the vii classin junior high school of the 2013 curriculum.
The purpose of the study was to describe (1) the application of the models of syncotic media animation film to the learning of writing the narration text of students from vii class of SMPN 1 BrondongLamongan, (2) the effectiveness of a learning syntheticmodel based on animated film to write the narrative text of students from vii class of SMPN 1 BrondongLamongan,(3) response from of students from vii class of SMPN 1 BrondongLamongan is lamivated after learning to write a narration text with a synthetic media netted model.
The research is a kind of true ekperimental design research. The experimental design used in this study was the pretest-posttest control group design. The study was carried out in the students of vii class in SMPN 1 Brondong Lamongan. The variables found in this study are free variables and bonded variables. Data collection techniques include observation techniques, test techniques, and angular techniques.
The conclusion of the research is that (1) the application of the synthetic learning animation film in the learning write a narrative text is doing well. It is supported by observation that the activities of acegori students are very good at 89%. And the teacher's activities are excellent at 93%. (2) the synthetic learning model produced by animated films was very effective and had a positive effect on the value results in the average control class pretes 54.67 and the postes 71.16, which resulted in a difference of 17.09. The average test pretes 56.93 and postes 80.16 marks the test by 23.23. Based on test scores on 5% signifying level thitung is greater than ttabel (2,549> 2,000), (3) students' response to learning to write the narrative text using the media media synthetic learning model animated film is very positive. These are evidenced by answers in aspects of which the students are assigned. Of the eight aspects of statements seven of which were answered "yes" by 100% of the students. There was only 1 student who answered "no" to one aspect of the statement.
Keywords : effectiveness, synthetic learning model, media of animation film, narration writing skill.