The rapid development of Information
Technology (Information Technology) is currently a factor influencing the
transformation of the teaching and learning system in Indonesia today.
Educators play an important role, so that they know in time how to use
technology in learning. Web-based e-learning learning media is very suitable to
be used to encourage and facilitate students in understanding material in
class, especially learning that is considered difficult to understand. In
addition, this web-based e-learning learning media can also be accessed via
mobile phones or computers, making it easier for teachers to explain material
The purpose of this study is to improve and determine the
effectiveness of learning object-oriented programming on the influence of
student learning outcomes. Researchers used the Research and Development
(R&D) research method with the D DDIE development model. The
research method used is one grub pretest-posttest. Data from the pretest and posttest in this study are in the form of 40
multiple choice questions.
results of the analysis of student learning outcomes in computer and network
assembly subjects can be seen based on data from class XI RPL, namely that they
have an average pretest score of 72,46 and a posttest score of 89,09. After
determining tcount , namely 52,9 and ttable , namely 1,692,
tcount > ttable = 52,9 > 1,692, the difference
between the pretest and posttest results is significant and it can be concluded
that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means the hypothesis of this
research is accepted, namely There is a positive influence in changing conventional
learning methods to website-based learning methods which attract more students'
attention and succeed in improving their learning outcomes in computer and
network assembly subjects using the Class XI Project Based Learning method at
Semen Gresik Vocational School.
Keywords : Learning Media, Website, E-Learning, Learning
Outcomes, Object Oriented Programming