Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurang berkembangnya keterampilan motorik halus anak di KB Idhata Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah adalah untuk mengkaji ada atau tidaknya pengaruh media busy board terhadap motorik halus anak usia 3-4 tahun di KB Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian pre experiment, jenis penelitian one group pre test dan post test design dengan subjek penelitian 10 anak kelompok bermain di KB Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan statistic non parametric Wilcoxon uji jenjang bertanda (match pair test)
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian skor total yang didapatkan oleh 10 anak pada pre-test sebesar 99 dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 5,21. Pada kegiatan post-test skor total yang didapatkan 10 anak sebesar 178 dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 17,8. Hasil perhitungan dengan uji wilcoxson math pairs test menunjukan perolehan Thitung > Ttabel = (0 >8) maka hipotesis nol (Ho) ditolak dan hipotesis kerja (Ha) diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media busy board berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan motorik halus anak di KB Idhata Labschool Unesa ketintang Surabaya. Peningkatan kemampuan motorik halus tersebut terjadi karena kegiatan dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dan anak sudah mulai mengenal konsep bagaimana cara membuka sabuk tas, membuka mengunci gembok, memasukkan stop kontak, memasukkan slot pintu, memasukkan bola ke dalam pipa yang sebelumnya belum pernah mereka kerjakan.
Kata kunci : busy board, kemampuan motorik halus
This research was based by the less of development of children’s fine motor skills in the KB Idhata State University of Surabaya. The aim of this research is to examine whether or not the influence of the busy board media on fine motor skills of children aged 3-4 years in the KB Idhata State University of Surabaya.
This research uses a quantitative research design with pre-experimental research design, one group research type pre test and post test design with research subjects 10 playgroup children at KB Idhata State University of Surabaya. Data collection techniques used are observation and documentation. Data analysis using non parametric statistics wilcoxon level test marked (match pair test)
Based on the result of the research the total score obtained by 10 children in the pre-test was 99 with an average score of 5.21. in the post-test activity the total score obtained by 10 children was 178 with an average score of 17,8. The results of calculation with the wilcoxon match pair test show the acquisition of Tcount > Ttable = (0>8) then the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the working hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that the use of the busy board media influences the fine motoric abilities of children in the KB Idhata State University of Surabaya. The enhencement in fine motor skills occurs because the activities are carried out repeatedly and the child has begun to recognize the concept of how to open a belt bag, open and locked a padlock, plug in an electrical outlet, inserting a door lock, put a ball into a pipe that they had never done before.
Keyword : busy board, fine motor skills