Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas IX dalam Pembelajaran Atletik Lompat Jauh di SMP Negeri 1 Wajak
Learning Interest of Grade IX Students in Long Jump Athletic at SMP Negeri 1 Wajak
Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat minat belajar siswa kelas IX dalam pembelajaran atletik lompat jauh di SMP Negeri 1 Wajak. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantiotatif dengan metode survey. Penelitian ini melibatkan seluruh populasi yaitu kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Wajak yang terdiri atas 307 siswa (laki-laki=144 dan perempuan=163). Prosedur survei dilakukan dengan lima tahap, yaitu: (1) mencari identitas siswa dari data siswa kelas IX melalui staf tata usaha, (2) sosialisasi tata cara pengisian angket, (3) penyebaran angket, (4) tabulasi dan analisis data, dan (5) menyimpulkan hasil. Teknik analisis data menggunakan tes validitas (korelasi) dan reliabilitas (alpha cronbach’s), deskriptif statistic, dan presentase. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa instrument yang digunakan adalah valid (r=0,110-0,557>0,105) dan reliabel (α= 0,857-0,872>0.7). Berdasarkan distribusi data dapat dijelaskan sebanyak 20 siswa (6,51%) dalam kategori sangat tinggi, 205 siswa (66,78%) dalam kategori tinggi, 79 siswa (25,73%) dalam kategori sedang, 3 siswa (0,98%) dalam kategori rendah, 0 siswa (0%) dalam kategori sangat rendah. Rata-rata nilai aspek psikologis sebesar 38.88 kategori tinggi, SD sebesar 5.040, nilai tertinggi 55, nilai terendah 20. Rata-rata nilai psikologis sebesar 29.99 kategori tinggi, SD sebesar 3.864, nilai tertinggi 40, nilai terendah 14. Rata-rata nilai sosial sebesar 28.82 kategori tinggi, SD sebesar 3.378, nilai tertinggi 40, nilai terendah 16. Rata-rata nilai non-sosial sebesar 14.97 kategori tinggi, SD sebesar 1.909, nilai tertinggi 20, nilai terendah 7, sehingga dapat disimpulkan nilai rata-rata total sebesar 112,6 dan dalam kategori minat belajar tinggi.
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of interest in learning for class IX students in long jump athletic learning at SMP Negeri 1 Wajak. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative with survey method. This study involved the entire population, namely the entire class IX of SMP Negeri 1 Wajak which consisted of 307 students (male = 144 and female = 163). The survey procedure was carried out in five stages, namely: (1) finding student identities from the data of class IX students through administrative staff, (2) socializing the procedures for filling out questionnaires, (3) distributing questionnaires, (4) tabulation and data analysis; and (5) conclude the results. The data analysis technique used validity (correlation) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha) tests, descriptive statistics, and percentages. The results showed that the instrument used was valid (r= 0.110-0.557>0.105) and reliable (α= 0.857-0.872>0.7). Based on the data distribution, it can be explained that 20 students (6.51%) in the very high category, 205 students (66.78%) in the high category, 79 students (25.73%) in the medium category, 3 students (0.98%) ) in the low category, 0 students (0%) in the very low category. The average value of psychological aspects is 38.88 in the high category, SD is 5,040, the highest value is 55, the lowest value is 20. The average psychological value is 29.99 in the high category, SD is 3,864, the highest score is 40, the lowest score is 14. Average social value of 28.82 in the high category, SD at 3,378, the highest score at 40, the lowest score at 16. The average non-social score was 14.97 in the high category, SD was 1.909, the highest score was 20, the lowest score was 7, so it can be concluded that the total average score is 112.6 and in the category of high learning interest.