Lestari, Risa Puji , 2019. Development of Learning Tools Model
Cooperative Type Investigation Group to Improve Social Skills and Learning
Outcomes in Elementary School Students , Thesis, Basic Education Study
Program, Postgraduate of Surabaya State University, Advisor: (I) Dr. Waspodo
Tjipto Subroto, M.Pd and (II) Drs. Nasution, M.Ed., M.Hum.,Ph.D.
Keywords: Development of Learning Devices, Group
Investigations, Social Skills, Learning Outcomes.
studies education at the elementary school level has the aim of equipping
students to become citizens who have good potential in the fields of knowledge,
skills, attitudes and values to be able to create solutions to self and
social problems. Therefore, social studies learning has an important
contribution to the development of students. In reality, the results of
observations of IPS education are still not able to develop student
development, learning is still conventional and lacks meaningfulness and is
still rote .
This study
aims to produce a quality learning device product with a cooperative model of
group investigation type to improve social skills and student learning outcomes
in economic business material. The development method used is the model of the
development of Thiagarajan Four-D which consists of Define, Design,
Development, and Desiminate. Learning tools developed include syllabus, lesson
plans, teacher books, student books and learning outcomes tests. The research subjects
were grade V students of SDN Petemon X / 358 Surabaya, as many as 36 students.
The design of this learning device trial uses one group pretest posttest, while
the data analysis is done using descriptive statistics.
The results
showed that valid and reliable learning devices proved that the average value
of the two validators was 3.53 with valid categories and 92% reliability with a
reliable category. The implementation of learning devices from two meetings
averaged 95%. It can be concluded that learning runs very well. The
effectiveness of learning seen from the results of observation of social skills
has increased. Student learning outcomes also increased as seen from the N-Gain
test, which in 36 students showed that there were 5 students who obtained high
N-gain, 28 students obtained moderate N-gain and 3 students obtained low
Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the Development of
Cooperative Learning Tools Type of Group Investigation to Improve Social Skills
and Learning Outcomes in Primary School Students is valid and feasible to use
in learning. It is hoped that this research will be useful for educators to be
developed in class on other themes or material.