Indonesia memiliki potensi tinggi terhadap bencana gempabumi. Keberadaan Ring of Fire mengakibatkan tingginya intensitas proses geologi yang dapat menghasilkan gempa bumi. Surabaya merupakan daerah rawan bencana gempa bumi, terletak di jalur sesar kendeng. Jalur ini dikonfirmasi aktif dengan dengan pergerakan 5 mm per Tahun. Intensitas dimungkinkan gempa mencapai M 6,5. Hal ini perlu diwaspadai karena potensi korban di Kota Surabaya mencapai 2.917.618 Jiwa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis tingkat kerentanan fisik dan sosial di Sebagian Surabaya Barat.
Metode penelitian ini adalah scoring, pembobotan dan overlay variabel kerentanan fisik dan sosial berdasarkan bangunan dan manusia yang diperoleh dari data primer dan sekunder. Tingkat kerentanan fisik diperoleh melalui penilaian terhadap indikator kepadatan bangunan, ketersediaan fasilitas umum, sistem jaringan jalan dan jarak dari sesar. Sedangkan, tingkat kerentanan sosial diiperoleh melalui analisis penilaian terhadap kepadatan penduduk, persentase sex ratio, persentase umur rentan, persentase penduduk miskin dan persentase penduduk miskin.
Hasil penelitian, berupa peta tingkat kerentanan sosial dan fisik di Sebagian Surabaya Barat skala 1 : 35.000. Hasil analisis tingkat kerentanan fisik menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerentanan fisik tinggi mencapai 18 %, sedang 34 % dan rendah 48 %. Hasil analisis tingkat kerentanan sosial menunjukkan bahwa 46 % mencapai tingkat kerentanan sosial sedang dan 54% mencapai tingkat kerentanan sosial tinggi
Kata Kunci: kerentanan fisik, kerentaan sosial, gempa bumi, Scoring, Pembobotan, overlay
Indonesia has high potential for earthquake disasters. The existence of Ring of Fire results in high intensity of geological processes which can produce earthquakes. Surabaya is an earthquake prone area, located in the Kendeng fault line. This pathway is confirmed to be active with a movement of 5 mm per Year. The intensity of the earthquake is possible to reach M 6.5. This needs to be watched out because the potential victims in the city of Surabaya reached 2,917,618 people.The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of physical and social vulnerability in parts of West Surabaya.
This research method is scoring, weighting and overlaying physical and social vulnerability variables based on buildings and people obtained from primary and secondary data. The level of physical vulnerability is obtained through assessments of indicators of building density, availability of public facilities, road network systems and distance from faults. Meanwhile, the level of social vulnerability is obtained through analysis of assessments of population density, sex ratio, percentage of vulnerable age, percentage of poor population and percentage of poor population.
The results of the study, in the form of maps of the level of social and physical vulnerability in Most of West Surabaya scale of 1: 35,000. The results of the analysis of the level of physical vulnerability showed that the level of physical vulnerability was high at 18%, moderate 34% and low 48%. The results of the analysis of the level of social vulnerability showed that 46% achieved a moderate level of social vulnerability and 54% reached a high level of social vulnerability
Keywords: Physical vulnerability, Social vulnerability, earthquake, Scoring, Weighting, overlay