Persepsi dan Apresiasi Masyarakat Desa Carangwulung Kecamatan Wonosalam Jombang pada Tanaman Kopi
Perceptions and Appreciation of Coffee Plants in Carangwulung Village, Wonosalam Sub-District, Jombang
Desa Carangwulung, Kecamatan Wonosalam, Kabupaten Jombang merupakan desa di Jawa Timur yang memiliki komoditas unggulan tanaman kopi. Masyarakat desa melakukan budidaya kopi berdasarkan pengetahuan lokal, sehingga memengaruhi persepsi masyarakat hingga terwujud dalam kearifan lokal tradisi wiwit kopi dan bentuk apresiasi masyarakat pada tanaman kopi. Tradisi dan budidaya tanaman kopi khususnya kultivar yang dikembangkan belum pernah terungkap, maka tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis persepsi masyarakat pada tradisi wiwit kopi dan apresiasi pada tanaman kopi, serta mengidentifikasi kultivar tanaman kopi yang dibudidayakan. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara terstruktur menggunakan kuesioner skala likert untuk mengetahui persepsi dan apresiasi masyarakat, serta tabel karakter untuk mencatat karakter morfologi kultivar kopi. Analisis data secara kualitatif menggunakan rumus persepsi dan apresiasi pada hasil kuesioner, serta menggunakan tabel karakter untuk mengidentifikasi kultivar kopi. Responden penelitian sebanyak 65 orang yang dipilih secara purposive sampling, terbagi menjadi informan kunci yaitu petani kopi 21 orang; perangkat desa 9 orang; dan sesepuh desa, serta partisipan yang dipilih secara bebas sebanyak 35 orang dari setiap dusun. Responden dikategorikan berdasarkan rentang usia, yaitu usia muda (20-30 tahun), usia dewasa (31-40 tahun), usia paruh baya (41-50 tahun), dan usia lansia (51-> 60 tahun). Jawaban responden dipersentasekan dengan skor skala likert meliputi kategori buruk (< 40 %), kurang (> 40-51 %), cukup (> 51- < 65 %), baik (> 65-80 %), dan sangat baik (> 80-100 %). Hasil persepsi pada tradisi wiwit kopi dan apresiasi pada tanaman kopi diketahui masyarakat usia muda memiliki persepsi kurang hingga cukup dan memiliki apresiasi buruk hingga baik, usia dewasa memiliki persepsi cukup hingga baik dan memiliki apresiasi kurang hingga sangat baik, usia paruh baya memiliki persepsi dan apresiasi cukup hingga sangat baik, serta usia lansia memiliki persepsi dan apresiasi baik hingga sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil, bahwa pengetahuan lokal masyarakat usia muda tergolong buruk, sementara usia lansia yang sangat baik. Hasil identifikasi kultivar tanaman kopi yang dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat, diketahui jenis kopi arabika memiliki tiga kultivar (AS2K, biasa, dan lokal), kopi robusta mempunyai enam kultivar (banglan, biasa, marwes, poneka, sintaro, dan tugusari), serta kopi excelsa ada dua kultivar (biasa dan nangka). Masing-masing kultivar diidentifikasi pada daun, buah, dan biji berdasarkan 22 variasi karakter morfologi. Variasi dominan terdapat pada bentuk helaian daun yaitu lanset dan jorong, bentuk buah yaitu bulat dan bulat telur, serta bentuk biji bulat dan bulat telur.
Carangwulung Village, Wonosalam Subdistrict, Jombang Regency is a village in East Java that has a commodity of coffee plants. The village community conducts coffee cultivation based on local knowledge, thus influencing community perceptions to materialize in the local wisdom of the wiwit kopi tradition and a form of community appreciation for coffee plants. The tradition and cultivation of coffee plants, especially the cultivars developed, have never been revealed, so the purpose of this study is to analyze people's perceptions of the coffee wiwit tradition and appreciation of coffee plants, as well as identify cultivars of cultivated coffee plants. The research used an exploratory descriptive method. Data were obtained through structured interviews using a Likert Scale questionnaire to determine community perceptions and appreciation, and character tables to record the morphological characteristics of coffee cultivars. Qualitative data analysis used the perception and appreciation formula on the questionnaire results, and used the character table to identify coffee cultivars. Respondents were 65 people selected by purposive sampling, divided into key informants, namely 21 coffee farmers; 9 village officials; and village elders, as well as 35 freely selected participants from each hamlet. Respondents were categorized by age range, namely young age (20-30 years), adult age (31-40 years), middle-aged age (41-50 years), and elderly age (51->60 years). Respondents' answers were percented with a Likert scale score including the categories of poor (< 40%), less (> 40-51%), sufficient (> 51- < 65%), good (> 65-80%), and very good (> 80-100%). The results of perceptions of the wiwit kopi tradition and appreciation of coffee plants are known that young people have poor to sufficient perceptions and have poor to good appreciation, adults have sufficient to good perceptions and have poor to very good appreciation, middle-aged people have sufficient to very good perceptions and appreciation, and elderly people have good to very good perceptions and appreciation. Based on the results, that the local knowledge of young people is poor, while the elderly are very good. The results of the identification of coffee plant cultivars cultivated by the community showed that arabica coffee has three cultivars (AS2K, ordinary, and local), robusta coffee has six cultivars (banglan, ordinary, marwes, poneka, sintaro, and tugusari), and excelsa coffee has two cultivars (ordinary and jackfruit). Each cultivar was identified on leaves, fruits, and seeds based on 22 morphological character variations. The dominant variation is in the shape of the leaf blade, which is lanceolate and jorong, the shape of the fruit, which is round and ovoid, and the shape of the seed, which is round and ovoid.