Egg roll merupakan makanan ringan yang dibuat dengan cara dipanggang menggunakan cetakan kemudian digulung sehingga berbentuk gulungan yang kedua ujungnya berlubang, memiliki tekstur renyah dan mudah rapuh, rasa manis dan gurih. Tujuan pembuatan egg roll sari bit untuk mengetahui 1) formula egg roll sari bit terbaik; 2) tingkat kesukaan panelis yang meliputi warna, rasa, aroma, kerenyahan dan kesukaan keseluruhan egg roll sari bit; 3) kandungan gizi egg roll sari bit per 100 gram; 4) harga jual egg roll sari bit per 100 gram. Penelitian ini termasuk rekayasa dengan metode uji coba sebanyak dua kali di Laboratorium Bakery&Pastry Jurusan PKK Fakultas Teknik, Unesa. Pengambilan data tingkat kesukaan meliputi warna, rasa, aroma, kerenyahan dan kesukaan keseluruhan dilakukan secara observasi dengan uji hedonik dari 35 panelis terdiri dari 10 panelis semi terlatih dan 25 panelis tidak terlatih. Analisis data uji hedonik dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase. Uji kandungan gizi dilakukan dengan perhitungan Nutrisurvey & DKBM. Perhitungan harga jual dilakukan dengan metode konvensional dengan faktor kenaikan 40%. Hasil rekayasa menunjukkan bahwa: 1) formula terbaik egg roll sari bit diperoleh dari komponen formula standar yang ditambahkan sari bit sebanyak 83 g; 2) tingkat kesukaan terhadap produk egg roll yang menyatakan cukup suka-suka terhadap warna, rasa, aroma, kerenyahan, dan kesukaan keseluruhan mencapai 100%; 3) kandungan gizi produk egg roll sari bit per 100 gram adalah karbohidrat 57.72 g, protein 7.8 g, zat besi 1.68 mg, serat 0,78 gram dan kalium 157,72 mg; 4) harga jual egg roll sari bit per 100 gram adalah Rp. 7.688,00.
Egg roll is a snack that is made by baking using a mold and then rolled so that it is shaped like a hollow roll, has a crunchy texture and is easily brittle, sweet and sovoury taste. The purpose of making beetroot juice egg roll is to find out 1) the best beetroot juice egg roll formula; 2) the level preference for panelists whick includes color, taste, aroma, crispness and overall preference of egg roll beetroot juice; 3) the nutritional content of egg roll beetroot juice per 100 gram; 4) selling price of egg roll beetroot juice per 100 gram. This research includes engineering with the mthode of testing twice in the Bakery & Pastry Laboratory of PKK Departement, Faculty of Engineering, Unesa. The data collection of the level of preference including color, taste, aroma, cripsness and overall preference was carried out by observation with the hedonis test of 35 panelists consisting of 10 semi-trained panelists and 25 untrained panelists. The analysys of the hedonic test data was carried out in a descriptive quantitative manner with a percentage. The nutritional content test was carried out by Nurisurvey & DKBM calculations. The selling price was calculated using the conventional method with an increase factor of 40%. The engineering results show that: 1) the best formula of beetroot egg roll is obtained from the standard formula components which are added with beetroot as much as 83 g; 2) the level of liking for egg roll products which states that they are quite fond of color, taste, aroma, cripsness and overall liking are 100%; 3) the nutritional content of egg roll beet juice products per 100 grams are carbohydrates 57.72g, protein 7.8 g, iron 1.68 mg, fiber 0.78 grams and potassium 157.72 mg; 4) the selling price of egg roll beetroot juice per 100 grams is Rp. 7.688.