(Teori Psikoanalisis Karen Horney)
Intrapsychic Conflict of Main Characters in Novels by Syahid Muhammad (Karen Horneys Psychoanalytic Theory)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) konflik intrapsikis yang dialami tokoh utama dalam novel-novel karya Syahid Muhammad, (2) upaya tokoh utama mengatasi konflik yang sedang dihadapi dalam novel-novel karya Syahid Muhammad, dan (3) aktualisasi diri tokoh utama dalam novel-novel karya Syahid Muhammad. Novel ini bercerita mengenai tokoh utama Fatih dan Rana mengalami gangguan psikis karena masa lalu mereka. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sastra dan teori psikoanalisis sosial Karen Horney. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Egosentris dan novel Paradigma karya Syahid Muhammad yang diterbitkan oleh Gradien Mediatama Yogyakarta tahun 2018. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara teknik baca-catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan analisis objektif. Pendekatan objektif adalah pendekatan yang berpusat pada karya sastra secara keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian ditemukannya konflik intrapsikis dalam novel Egosentris sebanyak tiga puluh satu data diri ideal dan tiga puluh dua data kebencian diri dan pada novel Paradigma ditemukan sebanyak tiga puluh empat data diri ideal dan lima belas data kebencian diri. Upaya dalam menghadapi konflik intrapsikis dari masing-masing tokoh utama novel Egosentris dan novel Paradigma. Serta aktualisasi diri dari masing-masing tokoh utama novel Egosentris dan novel Paradigma.
Kata Kunci: psikoanalis, konflik intrapsikis, psikologi
This study aims to describe (1) the intrapsychic conflict experienced by the main character in Syahid Muhammads novels, (2) the efforts of the main character to overcome the conflict that is being faced in Syahid Muhammads novels, and (3) the self-actualization of the main character in novels by Syahid Muhammad. This novel tells the story of the main characters Fatih and Rana experiencing psychological disorders because of their past. The method used is a qualitative research method using literary psychology approach and Karen Horneys social psychoanalytic theory. The data sources of this research are the Egosentris novel and the novel Paradigma by Syahid Muhammad published by Gradien Mediatama Yogyakarta in 2018. Data collection was carried out by means of the reading-note technique. The data analysis technique used is an objective analysis approach. The objective approach is an approach that is centered on the literary work as a whole. The results of the study found that intrapsychic conflict in the Egosentris novel consisted of thirty one data of ideal self and thirty two data of self hatred and in the novel Paradigma found as many as thirty four data of ideal self and fifteen data of self hatred. Efforts in dealing with intrapsychic conflicts from each of the main characters in the Egosentris novel and the Paradigma novel. As well as self-actualization of each of the main characters in the Egosentris novel and Paradigma novel.
Keywords: psychoanalyst, intrapsychic conflict, psychology