Child labor is a complex
phenomenon that requires a comprehensive response. The government declared
Indonesia free of child labor in 2022 with the motto "Future Without Child
Labor". The problem of child labor has been regulated in Article 68 until Article 75 of Law Number 13 year 2003 concerning Manpoer . One of the processes in
alleviating child labor is the need to implement work conditions for child
labor in accordance with Article 69 of Law Number 13 Year 2003 concerning
The phenomenon of child
labor also occurred in the Jaran Kencak Art Group in the P endalungan area,
Probolinggo District. This is not in line with the award obtained by
Probolinggo District as a Primary City / Regency for Primary Children. The
purpose of this study is to analyze the enforcement of Article 69 of Law N umber 13 year 2003 concerning Manpower
related to work requirements for children as dancers of Jaran Kencak art in
Probolinggo and to analyze the obstacles faced by the Manpower and
Transmigration Office of Probolinggo Regency in enforcing Article 69 of Law N umber 13 year 2003 concerning
The type of research used
is sosio-legal research . The research was
conducted in Besuk Village, Bantaran District, Probolinggo Regency and
Probolinggo District Manpower Office. The technique of collecting data are by interview,
observation and documentation. The informants of this study were the Head
of Industrial Relations and the Work Conditions of the Labor and Transmigration
Office of Probolinggo Regency, the Chairman of the Jaran Kencak Rukun Karya Junior
Art Group, and child labor in the Jaran Kencak Rukun Karya Junior Art
Group. The data analysis technique is descriptive analytical with a qualitative
The research results that
can be concluded are two. First, law enforcement regarding the work conditions
by the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of Probolinggo has not been
fully implemented, namely towards child labor in the informal sector because of
its difficult position to detect. One of them is child labor in the Kencak
Jaran Art Group. Second, the ob s tacle s to the Department of
Manpower and Transmigration in Probolinggo in the enforcement of Article 69 Law
N umber 13 year 2003 concerning Manpower
namely internal obstacles and external obstacles. Internal obstacles
are in terms of budget, facilities and infrastructure, relations between fields
and number of members, while external obstacles are in terms of society and
culture. The suggestion for the Department of Manpower and
Transmigration in Probolinggo is to record the
that have not been registered and check the age of workers.
Keywords : Child Labor, Job Requirements,
Jaran Kencak, Department of Manpower and Transmigration