Logika komputasi merupakan pendekatan yang memudahkan dan dapat
digunakan oleh guru untuk menerapkan pembelajaran yang bermakna dan
melatih kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam menyajikan teks laporan hasil
observasi. Dengan bahan ajar buku saku berbasis logika komputasi ini, peneliti
berharap pembelajaran menyajikan teks laporan hasil observasi akan lebih efektif
dan kreatif serta inovatif karena pendekatan logika komputasi melibatkan siswa
dan dapat meningkatkan berpikir kritis dan kemandirian siswa dalam proses
pembelajaran untuk memperoleh informasi dan pengalaman belajar yang
bermakna. Hasil pengujian ahli didapat skor 80%. Hasil pengujian skala kecil
didapat skor 90%. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah materi ajar
teks laporan hasil observasi berbasis logika komputasi dalam bentuk buku saku
untuk mengembangkan kemandirian berpikir siswa penggunaannya masuk
dalam kategori layak. Kualitas materi ajar buku saku berbasis logika komputasi
berdasarkan validasi dan ahli materi pengembangan materi ajar buku saku
berbasis logika komputasi dalam menyajikan teks laporan hasil observasi Dapat
disimpulkan skor rata-rata dari validasi ahli materi, ahli kependidikan, ahli
kepenulisan, dan ahli kegrafikaa, respon pendidik dan respon peserta didik bila
dijumlahkan mendapatkan hasil adalah 354,8% dengan persentase 88,7% dan
dinyatakan “Sangat Layak”。 Hal ini membuktikan bahwa produk yang
dikambangkan Sangat Layak menjadi sumber belajar peserta didik. Hasil belajar
siswa 85 % kategori sangat baik. Antusias siswa berubah saat dilakukan
implementasi dengan menggunakan materi ajar buku saku berbasis logika
komputasi, siswa sangat memberikan respon spositif terhadap proses
pembelajaran disebabkan karena materi ajar yang digunakan menarik dan
terdapat perpaduan antara bentuk, tulisan dan warna memberikan kesan
kepada siswa ketika menggunakan materi ajar tersebut. Secara keseluhan
tampilan fisik materi ajar ini dicetak dengan menarik menggunakan warna
yang cerah sehingga memotivasi siswa untuk membaca dan belajar.
Pengaturan pengetikan seperti spasi, tanda baca, huruf, dan ketepatan bahasa
juga diperhatikan agar memudahkan mahasiswa dalam memahami konsep,
maksud, dan tujuan bahan ajar yang telah disajikan. Dengan demikian materi
ajar buku saku berbasis logika komputasi terbukti valid, efektif dengan kategori
sangat baik. Dari hasil tes uji coba lapangan menunjukkan hasil belajar yang
berada pada nilai sangat baik sehingga dapat dikatakan bahan ajar tersebut
efektif digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran
Kata Kunci: Materi Ajar, Buku Saku, Logika Komputasi
Student logic is an approach that makes it easy and can be used by teachers to implement
meaningful learning and train critical thinking skills in presenting the text of the
observation report. With this computational logic-based pocket teaching material, the
researcher hopes that learning to present the text ofthe observation report will be more
effective and creative and innovative because the comiputational learning approach involves
students and can increase critical and independent thinking in learning to obtain
information and meaningful learning experiences. Expert test results obtained a score of
80%. The results ofsmall-scale testing obtained a score of90%. The conclusion obtained
from this study is that the teaching material ofthe text ofthe observation report based on
computational logic in the form ofa pocket book to develop self-reliance in learning to
appreciate is included in the appropriate category. Keywords: Teaching Materials, Pocket
Books, Computational Logic. The expert test results obtained a score of80%. The results of
small-scale testing obtained a score of90%. The conclusion drawn from this study is that
the teaching materials ofobservation report text based on computational logic in the form
ofa pocket book to develop students' independent thinking are included in the proper
category. Quality of pocket book teaching materials based on computational logic based on
validation and material experts development of pocket book teaching materials based on
computational logic in presenting observational report texts. It can be concluded that the
average score fromm the validation ofmaterial experts, education experts, writing experts,
and graphic experts, the response ofeducators and the response ofstudents when added up
to get the result is 354.8% with a percentage of88.7% and declared "Very Eligible". This
proves that the product developed is Very Eligible to be a source oflearning for students.
Student learning outcomes 85% very good category. Student enthusiasm changed when
implemented using pocket book teaching materials based on computational logic, students
gave very positive responses to the learning process because the teaching materials used
were interesting and there was a combination ofshapes, writing and colors that gave an
impression to students when using these teaching materials. Overall, the physical
appearance of this teaching material is attractively printed using bright colors so that it
motivates students to read and learn.Typing settings such as spaces, punctuation,letters,
and language accuracy are also considered to make it easier for students to understand the
concepts, aims, and objectives ofthe teaching materials that have been presented. Thus the
computational logic-based pocket book teaching material is proven to be valid, effective with
a very good category. From the results of the field trial tests, it shows that the learning
outcomes are at very good grades so that it can be said that the teaching materials are
effectively used in the learning process.
Keywords: Teaching Materials,Pocket Books,Computational Logic