Dewasa ini, serial animasi dapat ditemukan di beberapa media, salah satunya Youtube. Serial animasi adalah sekumpulan objek berupa gambar bergerak yang difilmkan dan memiliki cerita berurutan atau bersambungan antar episode. Di dalam serial animasi terdapat komunikasi antar tokoh. Segala bentuk komunikasi diwujudkan melalui ungkapan bahasa. Bahasa tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai alat komunikasi, namun juga memiliki kemampuan untuk bertindak dan menyebabkan yang disebut sebagai tindak tutur. Tindak tutur dapat tercipta apabila terjalin komunikasi antar individu. Salah satunya dalam dialog para tokoh pada serial animasi Peppa Wutz yang ditayangkan pada kanal Youtube. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tindak tutur ilokusi pada serial animasi Peppa Wutz. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena temuan-temuannya tidak diperoleh melalui prosedur statistik dan menggunakan metode deskriptif karena mendeskripsikan tuturan para tokoh yang terdapat pada serial animasi Peppa Wutz. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik dokumentasi, teknik simak dan teknik catat. Teknik dokumentasi bertujuan untuk mencari data mengenai hal-hal yang berupa transkrip. Teknik simak merupakan langkah lanjutan setelah data diperoleh, teknik ini dilakukan dengan menyimak dan mencocokkan transkrip subtitle dengan tuturan para tokoh dalam video. Teknik catat dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mencatat data yang telah diperbarui sesuai dengan urutan dialog dalam video. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data ditemukan bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi pada serial animasi Peppa Wutz sebanyak 21 tuturan. Tuturan-tuturan tersebut dibagi berdasarkan klasifikasi tindak tutur ilokusi Searle, yaitu tindak tutur repräsentative sebanyak 7 tuturan, tindak tutur direktive sebanyak 5 tuturan, tindak tutur expressive sebanyak 3 tuturan dan tindak tutur kommisive sebanyak 6 tuturan.
Kata kunci : Tindak ilokusi, Youtube, Serial animasi.
Nowadays, animation series can be found in several media, one of them is Youtube. An animation series is a set of objects in the form of moving images that are filmed and have sequential or continuous stories between episodes. In the animation series, there is communication between characters. All forms of communication are realized through language expression. Language not only functions as a communication tool, but also has the ability to act and cause what is called speech acts. Speech acts can be created when there is communication between individuals. One of them is in the dialog of the characters in the Peppa Wutz animated series aired on the Youtube channel. The purpose of this research is to describe the illocutionary speech act in Peppa Wutz animated series. This research uses qualitative approach because the findings are not obtained through statistical procedures and uses descriptive method because it describes the speech of the characters in Peppa Wutz animated series. The data collection techniques in this research are documentation technique, listening technique and notetaking technique. The documentation technique aims to find data about things in the form of transcripts. The listening technique is the next step after the data is obtained, this technique is done by listening and matching the subtitle transcripts with the speech of the characters in the video. The note-taking technique is carried out with the aim of recording the data that has been updated according to the order of the dialog in the video. Based on the result of data analysis, there are 21 forms of illocutionary speech acts in Peppa Wutz animated series. The utterances are divided based on Searle's classification of illocutionary speech acts, namely repräsentative speech acts as many as 7 utterances, directive speech acts as many as 5 utterances, expressive speech acts as many as 3 utterances and commissive speech acts as many as 6 utterances.
Keywords : Illocutionary acts, Youtube, Animation series.