Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil pekerja konstruksi pada proyek pembangunan gedung kampus II UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Metode survei digunakan untuk mendapatkan data. Data dirincikan: (1) umur, (2) tingkat pendidikan, (3) pengalaman kerja, (4) upah, (5) domisili atau daerah asal, (6) sertifikasi keterampilan. Data diperoleh dengan cara melakukan wawancara kepada responden sesuai lembar wawancara. Data terkumpulkan sebanyak 63 orang. Data dikelompokkan sesuai dengan 6 variabel dan dianalisis deskriptif berdasarkan aturan yang berlaku. Hasil analisis menyebutkan bahwa: (1) pekerja memiliki usia minimal 17 tahun dan maksimal 54 tahun. (2) tingkat pendidikan pekerja didominasi tingkat SMP atau SLTP sebanyak 33 orang. (3) pengalaman pekerja konstruksi didominasi oleh pekerja dengan pengalaman 1-5 tahun sebanyak 29 orang. (4) upah pekerja konstruksi didominasi dengan pekerja upah/hari Rp.110.000,- sebanyak 24 orang. (5) domisili asal pekerja paling banyak berasal dari Banjarnegara sebanyak 17 orang. (6) sebanyak 63 responden para pekerja konstruksi tidak memiliki sertifikasi keterampilan dibidang jasa konstruksi.
Kata kunci: Profil Pekerja Konstruksi.
This writing aims to determine the profile of general workers in the construction project of the campus II UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The survey method was used to obtain data. The data are detailed: (1) age, (2) education level, (3) work experience, (4) wages, (5) domicile or area of origin, (6) skills certification. Data obtained by conducting interviews with respondents according to the interview sheet. Data collected as many as 63 people. The data were grouped according to 6 variables and analyzed descriptively based on the applicable rules. The results of the analysis state that: (1) workers have a minimum age of 17 years and a maximum age of 54 years. (2) the education level of workers is dominated by the SMP or SLTP levels as many as 33 people. (3) the experience of general workers is dominated by workers with 1-5 years of experience as many as 29 people. (4) wages for general workers are dominated by workers with wages of Rp. 110,000 per day as many as 24 people. (5) the domicile of origin of the workers is mostly from Banjarnegara as many as 17 people. (6) as many as 63 respondents of general workers do not have skills certification in the field of construction services.
Keywords: Construction Worker Profile.