Hamdiyah, Heni. (2024).
The Impact of Project-Based Learning with a Science, Environment Technology and
Society (SETS) Approach on Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking Skills in
the material of Diversified Fishery Product Processing at SMK Negeri 1 Sidayu
Gresik.Thesis, Educational Technology Study Program, Faculty of Education,
Surabaya State University. Supervisors (I): Prof. Dr. Bachtiar S. Bachri, M.Pd
and Supervisors (II) Dr. Fajar Arianto, M.Pd.
Keywords: Project-Based
Learning, Science, Environment, Technology, Society (SETS) Approach, Critical
Thinking, Creative Thinking
This research aimed to determine the impact of the project
based learning model with a science, environment technology and society (SETS)
approach on critical thinking and creative thinking skills in the material of Diversified
Fishery Product Processing at SMK Negeri 1 Sidayu Gresik.
This research was conducted at SMK Sidayu Gresik with the
research subjects being students of class XI Agribusiness Fishery Product
Processing semester 2 of the 2023/2024 academic year. The method applied in
this research is quantitative research, with the form of the matching only
posttest only control group design. In this research, the critical thinking
skills instrument indicator adapts from Ennis with five aspects of indicators,
namely elementery clarification, basic support, Interfence, advance clarification,
strategies and tactics. Then the creative thinking skills indicator adapts from
Quin & Besemer with three aspects of assessment, namely originality, resolution,
and elaborate. This research compares two groups and data analysis using
independent sample t-test (t-test). using a statistical program (SPSS version
The results of the hypothesis test of this research indicate
that (1) There is a significant difference between the experimental class and
the control class in critical thinking skills with a significance value of
0.000 which is also smaller than the set significance level. (2) In addition,
it is also known that there is a significant difference between the
experimental class and the control class in creative thinking skills with a
significance value of 0.000 which is also smaller than the set significance level.
This is a significant impact of the application of project based learning with
the Science, Environment Technology and Society (SETS) approach on the
processed material of fishery product diversification at SMK Negeri 1 Sidayu
It is recommended that project based learning models with the
science, environment technology and society (SETS) approach can be tested on
different material production learning to improve students' critical thinking
and creative thinking skills.