Penerapan Pembelajaran Model Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) untuk Meningkatkan Penalaran Kuantitatif Matematika Siswa
Application of Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) Learning Model to Improve Students’ Mathematical Quantitative Reasoning
Sugiarti. 2020. Penerapan Pembelajaran Model Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) untuk Meningkatkan Penalaran Kuantitatif Matematika Siswa. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. Mega Teguh Budiarto, M.Pd., dan (II) Prof. Dr. Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, M.Pd.
Kata-kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran, Model Search, Solve, Cretae, and Share (SSCS), Penalaran Kuantitatif.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan pembelajaran model search, solve, create, and share (SSCS) dapat meningkatkan penalaran kuantitatif matematika siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra eksperimen atau pre experimental dengan desain yang digunakan yaitu one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas VIII di sebuah sekolah menengah pertama di kota Lamongan Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2010, sedangkan sampel yang dipilih secara acak atau simple random sampling yakni siswa kelas VIII A di sekolah tersebut. Peneliti menganalisis data hasil pretest dan posttest dengan menggunakan uji t sampel berpasangan atau paired sample t test setelah memenuhi persyaratan uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas.
Penalaran kuantitatif sangat penting dalam pelajaran matematika karena dengan penalaran maka siswa akan mampu menganalisis sebuah informasi yang diperoleh sehingga menghasilkam solusi yang diharapkan. Penalaran kuantitatif sangat berperan dalam pemecahan masalah matematika, terutama dalam pemecahan soal cerita matematika.
Sebelum diberikan pembelajaran model search, solve, create, and share (SSCS), siswa diberikan pretest berupa soal uraian materi sistem persamaan linier dua variabel (SPLDV) berjumlah tiga soal yang disesuaikan dengan indikator penalaran kuantitatif. Hasil pretest digunakan untuk mengetahui penalaran kuantitatif awal siswa. Setelah diberikan pembelajaran model SSCS siswa diberika posttest dengan soal yang sama. Kemudian hasil pretest dan posttest di uji t sampel berpasangan atau paired sample t test dengan program SPSS.
Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan SPSS didapatkan probabilitas (sig.) 0,000 yang berarti bahwa 0,000 < 0,05 maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, begitu pula ketika perhitungan manual diperoleh thitung = 21,358 dan ttabel = 2,03951 sehingga thitung > ttabel yang berarti bahwa terdapat perbedaan nilai rata-rata nilai penalaran kuantitatif matematika siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran model SSCS. Penerapan pembelajaran model search, solve, create, and share (SSCS) dapat meningkatan penalaran kuantitatif matematika siswa. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman dan wawasan baru dalam mengajarkan matematika kepada siswa. Dan pembelajaran model SSCS dapat dikembangkan pada materi dan pelajaran lain.
Sugiarti. 2020. Application of Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) Learning Model to Improve Students’ Mathematical Quantitative Reasoning. Thesis, Mathematics Education Program, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Supervisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Mega Teguh Budiarto, M.Pd., dan (II) Prof. Dr. Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, M.Pd.
Keywords: Learning Model, Model Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS), Quantitative Reasoning.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the application of the search, solve, create, and share (SSCS) learning model can improve students' quantitative mathematical reasoning. This research is a pre-experimental or pre-experimental research with the design used is one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were all grade VIII students in a junior high school in the city of Lamongan for the 2019/2010 academic year, while the sample was randomly selected or simple random sampling, namely grade VIII A students at the school. Researchers analyzed data from the pretest and posttest results using paired sample t test after meeting the requirements of the normality test and homogeneity test.
Quantitative reasoning is very important in mathematics because with reasoning students will be able to analyze the information obtained so as to produce the expected solution. Quantitative reasoning plays a very important role in solving mathematical problems, especially in solving math story problems.
Before being given the search, solve, create, and share (SSCS) model learning, students were given a pretest in the form of a two-variable linear equation system (SPLDV) description of three questions adjusted to quantitative reasoning indicators. The pretest results were used to determine students' initial quantitative reasoning. After being given the SSCS model learning, the students were given a posttest with the same questions. Then the results of the pretest and posttest in paired sample t test with the SPSS program.
Based on the results of hypothesis testing using SPSS, the probability (sig.) Is 0,000, which means that 0,000 <0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, as well as when manual calculations are obtained tcount = 21.358 and ttable = 2.03951 so that tcount> ttable which means that There is a difference in the average value of students' quantitative mathematical reasoning scores before and after learning the SSCS model. The application of the search, solve, create, and share (SSCS) learning model can improve students' quantitative mathematical reasoning. This research is expected to provide new experiences and insights in teaching mathematics to students. And the SSCS learning model can be developed on other materials and subjects.