Laporan UPT Pelayanan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Tahun 2018 mengenai 10 permasalahan yang dialami oleh pekerja migran di Jawa Timur menunjukkan bahwa 41,36% didominasi oleh problematika pekerja migran nonprosedural. Di sisi lain diketahui bahwa Jawa Timur menjadi provinsi pertama sebagai penyumbang pekerja migran terbesar di Indonesia, dengan tingkat partisipasi angkatan kerja sebesar 68,78%. Hal ini dipicu karena anggapan bahwa bekerja ke luar negeri dianggap rumit serta birokratis sehingga menyebabkan masyarakat memanfaatkan jasa calo. Permasalahan inilah yang kemudian mendorong diterapkannya aplikasi simPADU-PMI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan electronic government melalui aplikasi simPADU-PMI di UPT Pelayanan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Provinsi Jawa Timur. Jenis penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan teori menurut Olusoyi Richard Ashayea dan Zahir Irani (2019) mengenai faktor eksternal dan internal yang memengaruhi penerapan electronic government dengan meliputi faktor organisasi, politik, ekonomi, hukum, tingkat kekritisan, kepemimpian, kondisi keuangan, tujuan, sikap pegawai, serta faktor kolaborasi. Teknis analisis data dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan melalui wawancara serta studi dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan aplikasi simPADU-PMI sudah cukup baik yang dipengaruhi oleh fungsi UPT Pelayanan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Provinsi Jawa Timur sebagai organisasi penyedia layanan publik, komitmen politik dari jajaran pusat dalam menerapkan electronic government, proses pembiayaan yang memadai, adanya kerangka hukum sebagai landasan penerapan layanan electronic government, kegiatan pengembangan kapabilitas pegawai, komitmen dan dukungan penuh dari pimpinan instansi, proses penganggaran yang tepat, penjabaran dan pelaksanaan strategi dalam mencapai tujuan diterapkannya layanan, dukungan dari pegawai dalam menerapkan layanan electronic government, serta partisipasi dan kerja sama dari pihak eksternal maupun internal dalam membangun sistem layanan yang maksimal. Beberapa hal yang terjadi dalam proses penerapan seperti minimnya jumlah pengguna aplikasi dalam memanfaatkan fitur melamar pekerjaan secara daring yang tercatat masih menembus angka 643 orang, ketergantungan dengan pihak swasta dalam sistem pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan aplikasi, sistem keamanan yang masih standar, tidak adanya follow-up mengenai status pelamar kerja pada aplikasi menjadi alasan simPADU-PMI belum berjalan secara maksimal.
Kata Kunci: Electronic Government, simPADU-PMI, Pelayanan Publik.
Based on The Unit of Service and Protection of Workers of East Java Province’s Report on Services and Protection of Workers in 2018 regarding 10 problems experienced by migrant workers in East Java shows that 41.36% is dominated by the problems of non-procedural migrant workers. On the other hand, it is known that East Java became the first province as the largest contributor of migrant workers in Indonesia, with a labor force participation rate of 68.78%. This was triggered because of the assumption that working abroad was considered complicated and bureaucratic, causing people to use the services of brokers. These problems then drive the application of simPADU-PMI. This study aims to describe the application of electronic government through the application of simPADU-PMI at the Service and Protection Unit for Workers in East Java Province. The type of research used is a descriptive qualitative approach. The analysis was conducted using the theory according to Olusoyi Richard Ashayea and Zahir Irani (2019) regarding the external and internal factors that influence the implementation of electronic government by including Organizational, Political, Economic, Legal, Critical Mass, Leadership, Financial, Goals, Attitude, and Collaboration. Technical data analysis is done by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions through interviews and documentation studies.
The results showed that the application of simPADU-PMI was quite good, which was influenced by the function of The Unit of Service and Protection of Workers of East Java Province as a public service provider organization, political commitment from the central level in implementing electronic government, adequate financing processes, the existence of a legal framework as the foundation for the application of electronic government services, employee capability development activities, commitment and full support from the leadership of agencies, the appropriate budgeting process, elaboration, and implementation of strategies to achieve the vision of service implementation, support from employees in implementing electronic government services, as well as participation and cooperation from parties external in building a maximum service system. Some things that occur in the application process such as the minimal number of registered application users still penetrate the figure of 643, dependence with the private sector in the application management and maintenance system, security systems that are still standard the absence of follow-up regarding the status of job applicants in the application are the reasons simPADU-PMI is not running optimally.
Keywords: Electronic Government, simPADU-PMI, Public Services