Alfinalin, Berlanti Ifada. 2020. Development
of Expos itory Text Learning Materials
with Natural and Social Environment Topic in the Form of a
Magazine for Class VIII with Concept Attainment Model. Thesis, Language and
Literature Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University.
Advisor: (I) Dr. Syamsul Sodiq, M.Pd. and (II) Dr. Yuniseffendri, M.Pd.
Key words: teaching materials development,
magazine, exposi tory text, concept attainment model.
This study aims to
produce exposi tory text teaching materials that contain natural
and social environments in the form of magazines for class VIII with the
concept attainment learning model. The stages in the development of Pertiwi
teaching materials are based on Borg and
Gall's development research steps and are adjusted to the stages of developing
teaching materials by the Ministry of National Education (2008: 12).
The test subjects
in this study were students of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rengel. The students who
were used as subjects in the group trial were ten students of class VIII who
were randomly selected from classes VIII-E, VIII-F, and VIII-G. While the test subjects
in the implementation class were 32 students from class VIII-H. Data collection
methods in this study using interview techniques, validation, observation,
questionnaires and learning outcomes tests. The results of the study include: (1)
a description of the process and results of the development of Pertiwi teaching
materials, (2) a description of the results of the analysis of the validity of
Pertiwi's teaching materials, (3) a description of the results of the analysis
of the effectiveness of Mother's teaching materials, and (4) a description of
the analysis of the practicality of Pertiwi's teaching materials.
The development stages in
this research consist of: (1) the research and data collection stage, (2) the
planning stage of teaching materials, (3) the development stage of teaching
materials, (4) the testing and evaluation stage of teaching materials. The result of the validity of Pertiwi's
teaching materials as a whole shows an average score of 3.79 so that it can be
stated in the valid category for use. The results of the effectiveness of
Pertiwi's teaching materials were obtained from the rpp implementation data
which showed 91% was carried out, the student learning outcomes data which
showed classical completeness by 81%, and the test results data producing the
exposition text showed an average score of 87 so that it met the KKM standard.
The results of the practicality of Pertiwi teaching materials were obtained
from the data on the response of students to Pertiwi teaching materials which
showed an average score of 3.68 in the very good category and the data on the
results of students' responses to the learning model of concept achievement
which showed a score of 3.60 in the very good category. Based on the results of
this study, it can be concluded that the teaching material products developed
are suitable for use both in terms of validity, effectiveness, or practicality
of learning materials.