Sobirin Wibowo, Arif. 2019. Analisis Nilai-Nilai Syair Lagu Ebiet G Ade Sebagai Sumber Nilai Pendidikan Karakter pada Materi Mitigasi dan Adaptasi Bencana. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing : (I) Dr. Harmanto, M.Pd dan (II) Dr. M. Jacky, S.Sos., M.Si.
Kata Kunci : Nilai syair lagu, Ebiet G Ade, pendidikan karakter, mitigasi dan adaptasi bencana.
Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) Mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai syair lagu Ebiet G Ade dengan judul untuk kita renungkan, berita kepada kawan dan masih ada waktu. (2) Mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai syair lagu Ebiet G Ade sebagai sumber nilai pendidikan karakter pada materi mitigasi dan adaptasi bencana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian campuran (mix method), deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan strukturalisme Levi-Strauss-Hermeneutik Paul Ricoeur (1913) untuk menemukan ceritheme dan episode dalam tiap syair lagu Ebiet G Ade yang akan di integrasikan kedalam pembelajaran geografi untuk dianalisis nilai-nilainya oleh siswa. Integrasi syair lagu Ebiet G Ade tersebut menggunakan metode penelitian 4-D Thiagarajan. Penelitian ini hanya sampai tahap 3-D karena tujuan penelitian telah tercapai pada tahap tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan pada pembelajaran geografi kelas XI IPS 1 MAN 3 Banyumas materi mitigasi dan adaptasi bencana.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa nilai karakter dalam syair lagu Ebiet G Ade nilai tersebut yaitu Nilai karakter dalam hubunganya dengan tuhan; Religius. Nilai karakter dalam hubungannya dengan diri sendiri; Kerja Keras, Disiplin, Tanggung Jawab, Mandiri Rasa Ingin Tahu. Nilai karakter dalam hubungannya dengan sesama; Bersahabat/ Komunikatif. Nilai karakter dalam hubunganya dengan lingkungan; Peduli Lingkungan, Peduli Sosial.
Pembelajaran materi mitigasi dan adaptasi bencana dilaksanakan menggunakan model pembelajaran MORE (Model, Observe, Reflect, Explain). Penilaian yang dilakukan meliputi tiga aspek yaitu Sikap, menunjukan bahwa mayoritas siswa memiliki sikap sangat baik dikarenakan dari sampel 31 orang siswa, diketahui 18 Siswa mendapat nilai Sangat Baik dengan presentase 58,06%. Pengetahuan, setelah siswa diberikan Handout materi mitigasi dan adaptasi bencana seluruh siswa Tuntas diatas KKM (78) yaitu dengan rata-rata nilai postest 90,32. Aspek keterampilan dibagi menjadi dua aspek penilaian yaitu keterampilan individu menunjukan bahwa dari sampel 31 orang siswa 16 orang siswa mendapat nilai sangat baik dengan presentase 51,61%. Keterampilan kelompok menunjukan bahwa semua kelompok telah tuntas karena memiliki rerata nilai diatas KKM (78) yaitu LKS 1 (89,58) LKS 2 (93,75).
Sobirin Wibowo, Arif. 2019. ABSTRACT
Sobirin Wibowo, Arif. 2019. Analysis of lyrics values Ebiet G Ade song as a source of character education values on disaster mitigation and adaptation materials. Thesis, Social science education program, Graduate School of State University of Surabaya. Supervisor: (I) Dr. Harmanto, M. Pd and (II) Dr. M. Jacky, S. Sos., M.Si.
Keywords: the value of song lyrics, Ebiet G Ade, character education, mitigation and disaster adaptation.
The research aims at (1) describing the lyrics values of Ebiet G Ade song with the title for us to ponder, news to friends and there is still time. (2) Integrate the lyrics values of Ebiet G Ade as the source of character education in disaster mitigation and adaptation materials. The study uses a mix method, a qualitative descriptive using the 'Levi-Strauss-hermeneutics' structure of Paul Ricoeur (1913) to find Ceritheme and episodes in each of the poems of the song Ebiet G Ade which will be Learning geography to analyze its values by students. An integration of the song of Ebiet G Ade using a 4-D research method of Thiagarajan. This research is only up to 3-D stage because the research objective has been achieved at that stage. Research was conducted on the learning geography of the class XI IPS 1 MAN 3 Banyumas disaster mitigation and adaptation material.
The results showed that some of the character values in the poem Ebiet G Ade song is the value of the character in his relationship with God; Religious. The value of the character in relation to oneself; Hard work, discipline, responsibility, self curiosity. Character values in conjunction with others; Friendly/ communicative. The value of the character in its relationship with the environment; Caring environment, social care.
Learning of disaster mitigation and adaptation material is implemented using MORE learning models (Model, Observe, Reflect, Explain). The assessment carried out three aspects, namely attitude, shows that the majority of students have a very good attitude because of the sample 31 students, known 18 students got a very good value with a percentage of 58.06%. Knowledge, after the students are given Handout of the disaster mitigation and adaptation of all students Tuntas above KKM (78) is the average posttest 90.32. The skill aspect is divided into two aspects of assessment, which is individual skills, indicating that from a sample of 31 students 16 students got very good grades with a percentage of 51.61%. Group skills show that all groups have been completed because they have an average rate above the KKM (78) i.e. LKS 1 (89.58) LKS 2 (93.75).. Thesis, Social science education program, Graduate School of State University of Surabaya. Supervisor: (I) Dr. Harmanto, M. Pd and (II) Dr. M. Jacky, S. Sos., M.Si.
Learning of disaster mitigation and adaptation material is implemented using MORE learning models (Model, Observe, Reflect, Explain). The assessment carried out three aspects, namely attitude, shows that the majority of students have a very good attitude because of the sample 31 students, known 18 students got a very good value with a percentage of 58.06%. Knowledge, after the students are given Handout of the disaster mitigation and adaptation of all students Tuntas above KKM (78) is the average posttest 90.32. The skill aspect is divided into two aspects of assessment, which is individual skills, indicating that from a sample of 31 students 16 students got very good grades with a percentage of 51.61%. Group skills show that all groups have been completed because they have an average rate above the KKM (78) i.e. LKS 1 (89.58) LKS 2 (93.75).