Efie Widjajanti, NIM
147976019, Title of Dissertation: Evaluation of Tradition Art
Improvement Program (PPSTt) in City of Malang State Middle School. Promoter:
H. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd. Promoter Co: Prof. Drs. H. Toho Cholik
Mutohir, M.A., Ph.D.
Tradition Arts Education and Development (PPST) is one of the East Java provincial government
programs to preserve traditional arts. As the name implies, the target of this program is the young generation of school age. There are many
East Java that participated in this program. At least 152 schools from
37 regencies
cities in East Java participated. The success of the PPST program in schools is inseparable from the managerial pattern of the school in
managing this PPST program.
One city that has PPST with many achievements is City of Malang. There are three
Junior High Schools (SMP) that take turns receiving art appreciation from
activities. As explained earlier, this success is inseparable from
the effective
managerial pattern of the three schools. The researcher wanted to conduct an evaluation
related to the managerial pattern of the PPST
in the three schools.
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze context evaluation, input
evaluation, process evaluation, product evaluation, and outcome evaluation of PPST at
SMPN 4, 18, and 24 Malang City. The type of research used is an evaluation study of
Context, Input, Process, Product, and
Outcome (CIPPO) model, with a qualitative descriptive
approach. The research subjects were principals, teachers, trainers, and students who participated in PPST. The data
collection technique used participatory observation,
in-depth interviews, and documentation.
Data analysis used the model
from Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) with the stages of data condensation,
data display, and conclusion
The results showed that the three schools had supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing
at their schools. The supporting
factor that makes PPST still
able to survive in schools is the good pattern of coaching and managerial PPST from each school. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors experienced by each school were due to relatively less funding, lack of program
socialization, and social jealousy. However, with a good managerial pattern, this inhibiting factor can be
overcome. Based on the research results obtained information about the development of PPST enthusiasts in all schools. At the beginning of the establishment of PPST, all
schools only had less than
40 students. However, currently there are more than 100 students interested in PPST.
Each school also has standard materials to be delivered in the PPST activity process.
addition, special material
is also given ahead
of the event
be followed.
The study also found that there were several plans that each school had in
developing the PPST. Some plans have been completed, but some are still in the