The center of sandals traders in
Wedoro Village was once famous as the biggest selling and trading center for
sandals and shoes in Sidoarjo. Wedoro
sandals traders center has decreased from year to year. Sandal shoes traders
center is 210 traders and now only 12 traders remain. The condition of sandals
traders center has now turned into a traditional market area because many
stalls are now occupied by new traders and traders who were once traders of
sandals and shoes who have switched businesses. The purpose of this research is
1) the factors that cause the center of sandal traders to become a traditional
market area in Wedoro Village and 2) the role of the local government namely
Wedoro Village in the problem of changing the center of the sale of sandal
shoes has shifted to the traditional market area.
This type of research is survey research. The
population of this study were all traders as many as 60 and 33 buyers taken
using accidental sampling. The variables of this research are facilities and
infrastructure, accessibility, price of sandals shoes, quality, promotion and
variety of products. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation
and documentation with percentages.
The results showed that the factors
that cause Sandal traders center has become a traditional market area of Wedoro
Village is 1) unavailability of promotion (100%). 2) lack of government role in
addressing issues such as maintenance and renovation and not forming
cooperative between traders (100%), 3) poor condition of facilities and
infrastructure, including: bathrooms (87,1%), mosholla (87,1%), parkir land
(73,2%), 4) the price of an expensive sandals and shoes (78,8%), 5) Product
variations have varied but are not following the trend (77,7%).
Keywords: Shoes Sandals Trader, Decreased sandal trading activity, Traditional
Market, The role of government .