This research on the development of Interactive Multimedia aims to (1) produce Interactive
Multimedia products about transactional interaction texts of information related to identity and
family relationships in English for class X students at SMAN 19 Surabaya, (2) To determine the
feasibility of interactive multimedia about text Transactional interaction of information related to
identity and family relationships in English for class X students at SMAN 19 Surabaya. Researchers
used the R&D development model by Borg and Gall.In this development model there were 10 stages,
but in this study only carried out up to seven stages of the ten stages of R&D development, namely:
(1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design
revision, (6) product testing, and (7) product revision. For the eighth to tenth stages, namely the
stage of use trials, product revisions, and mass products were not carried out because the
formulation of the problem in this study was only for the feasibility of the media and did not reach
the effectiveness research. In this study, researchers used data collection instruments in the form of
instruments for expert feasibility testing for learning design experts (RPP), instruments for material
experts, and instruments for media experts. The results of the feasibility test obtained from the results
of the existing data analysis show that Interactive Multimedia is categorized as very good with a
value of 90% - 100% for material experts and media experts, the data calculation process used is
the Guttman scale, so Interactive Multimedia about transactional interaction text related
relationships identity and family relationships in English for class X students at SMAN 19 Surabaya,
it can be concluded that the media is suitable for use in the learning process.
Keywords: Development, Interactive Multimedia, Transactional Interaction Text, English.