Peran Pelatih Dalam Membina Moral Atlet Bolavoli PBV Skanor Lamongan
The Role Of The Coach In Developing Moral Of The PBV Volleyball Athletes Skanor Lamongan
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of coach in fostering the morale of the PBV Skanor
Lamongan athletes. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects were volleyball
one coach and ten athletes in Sendangagung Village, Paciran District, Lamongan Regency. The study was
conducted in February 2022. The data collection techniques in this study were through the methos of
observation, interviews and documentation. The type of interview used in this research is the in-depth interviiew
used in this research is the in-depth interview category. The data analysis technique used in this research is
using the Miles and Huberman model, which includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation and
drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out by the researchers, the
results show that: 1) The role of the coach for a PBV Skanor Lamongan athlete is as a teacher. 2) The PBV
Skanor Lamongan coach applies moral coaching on the field and outside the field. 3) The values of sports moral
development applied by the coach to the coaches PBV volleyball athletes Skanor Lamongan include:
responsibility, honesty, discipline, fair play, team work, never give up. 4) PBV athletes Skanor Lamongan are
more dominant in showing conformity with the values applied by the coach. 5) The PBV Skanor Lamongan
trainer is able to carry out his role as a fairly good teacher in fostering the morale of athlets.
Keywords: Role of Coach, Build Moral ,Volleyball Athlete