The Effectiveness of CSR Programs in Empowering the Gresik Deaf Community by PT Pertamina Gas Operation Unit East Java Area
Penyandang Disabilitas seringkali mengalami diskriminasi dalam pemenuhan hak-haknya. Ketidakberdayaan pemerintah dalam upaya menjamin hak-hak Penyandang Disabilitas terlihat pada aspek ekonomi. Masih banyaknya jumlah tenaga kerja dengan Penyandang Disabilitas kurang mendapat pekerjaan yang layak dikarenakan latar belakang pendidikan yang dimiliki. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Stimulus Organism Respons yang disesuaikan dengan Teori Efektivitas program menurut (Sutrisno E. , 2007). Terdapat 5 indikator Efektivitas yaitu Pemahaman Program, Tepat Sasaran, Tepat Waktu, Tercapainya Tujuan, dan Perubahan Nyata. Penelitian dengan metode kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat Efektivitas program CSR dalam memberdayakan Komunitas Tuli Gresik oleh PT Pertamina Gas Unit Operation East Java Area, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kemandirian kepada Penyandang Disabilitas, menjadi hal menarik untuk diteliti lebih jauh. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuisioner kepada 26 anggota Komunitas Tuli Gresik. Informan dipilih berdasarkan pengalaman informan yang mengikuti program CSR, bagaimana awal mula mengetahui Program CSR PT Pertagas, jenis kelamin, usia, status pekerjaan, dan alasan mengapa konsisten mengikuti Program CSR PT Pertagas. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan tiga dimensi memperoleh kategori Sangat Efektif yaitu pada Pemahaman Program dengan skor TCR sebesar 83.97%, Tepat Sasaran dengan skor TCR 86.53%, dan dimensi Tercapainya Tujuan dengan skor TCR sebesar 84.61%. Sedangkan dua dimensi lainnya memperoleh kategori Efektif yaitu pada dimensi Tepat Waktu skor TCR sebesar 64.85% dan Perubahan Nyata dengan skor TCR 75.00%.
Kata kunci: Efektivitas, Coroprate Social Responsibility, Teori Stimulus Respon.
Persons with Disabilities often experience discrimination in the fulfillment of their rights. The government's inability to guarantee the rights of Persons with Disabilities can be seen in the economic aspect. There are still a large number of workers with disabilities who do not get decent jobs due to their educational background. This study uses the Stimulus Organism Response Theory which is adapted to the Program Effectiveness Theory according to (Sutrisno E. , 2007). There are 5 indicators of effectiveness, namely Program Understanding, Right on Target, Right on Time, Achievement of Goals, and Real Change. This research with quantitative method aims to find out how much effectiveness the CSR program has in empowering the Gresik Deaf Community by PT Pertamina Gas Operation Unit East Java Area, which aims to provide self-reliance training for Persons with Disabilities. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 26 members of the Gresik Deaf Community. The informants were selected based on the experience of the informants who participated in the CSR program, how they first knew about the CSR Program of PT Pertagas, gender, age, employment status, and the reasons why they consistently participated in the CSR Program of PT Pertagas. The results of this study found three dimensions to obtain the Very Effective category, namely Program Understanding with a TCR score of 83.97%, Right on Target with a TCR score of 86.53%, and the Achieving Goals dimension with a TCR score of 84.61%. While the other two dimensions are in the Effective category, namely the Punctuality dimension with a TCR score of 64.85% and Real Change with a TCR score of 75.00%.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stimulus Response Theory.