Key words : Orchestration, Semangat Tani
The rice farming business in Bondowoso district is still largely categorized as a small-scale farming business commonly referred to as the agricultural business of the people. In small-scale farming the farmers are still doing agricultural activities such as plowing, planting and harvesting done traditionally without the help of machines. The interesting thing that can distinguish between traditional and modern farmers lies from the process, where the process of planting to harvest traditional farmers usually start its activities with rituals like rituals are often done rice farmers in Bondowoso before harvesting is commonly known as the ritual "Arajhuk ". This ritual is usually done by taking eight padded rice stalks with offerings, seven-colored porridge and frankincense where everything is placed in the rice fields in the hope of providing abundant crops.
In addition, Bondowoso farmers still use the gotong royong system in farming activities, ranging from seeding rice seedlings, plowing rice fields, planting rice, taking care to harvest. Togetherness and mutual cooperation in farming Bondowoso community is clearly illustrated since the rice planting ritual is done. They look very excited, trying and happy with a big smile in sowing the seedlings, nursing until waiting for the harvest season to arrive. The spirit of hard work of farmers to plant, care for harvest season has inspired the composer who poured in the idea of music embodied through orchestration, tabla techniques ketipung kendang game combined in the form of orchestral dish that describes the mood and struggle of farmers in the countryside. This phenomenon is poured by the composer in a musical entitled "" Semanagat Tani "" which means the spirit of a farmer .Musical Composition "Semanagat Tani" in terms of music orchestration, among others; (1) Music Form and Analysis; (2) Instrumentation; (3) Selection of instruments; (4) Timbre Instruments; (5) Ambitus instruments (6) Techniques; (7) Dynamics; (8) Implementation of arrangements on works.
The Musical "Semanagat Tani" consists of 208 Birama with a duration of 7 minutes 55 seconds. Tempo used Allegreto, alegro, maestoso, and Prestisimo. The tone used is, G Major and D Major and 4/4 times signature. Instruments used in this musical work ranging from Strings I (Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Violoncello (Trombone, Trumpet), Woodwind (Flute and clarinet) and percussion (Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Tambourine, triangel, tok-tok, kendung ketipung, cowbell and kendang) and eletric bass.
Based on the result of the concluding discussion and discussion about the musical work "Semangat Tani" in the form of three parts with orchestration review presented with orchestra format with instrumentation according to the capacity of each instrument.