Media buku tempel diterapkan pada materi teks fabel khususnya kompetensi menceritakan kembali isi teks fabel. Dibagian terakhir terdapat gambar yang akan merangsang siswa dalam mengembangkan imajinasinya saat menceritakan kembali isi teks fabel yang dibacanya. Isi yang ada dalam buku tempel sesuai dengan indicator pencapaian pada materi menceritakan kembali isi fabel. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 4 teks fabel yang berbeda disetiap buku tempel yang dibuat. Model penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan Sadiman yang terdiri dari enam tahap, yaitu (1) menganalisis kebutuhan peserta didik, (2) merumuskan tujuan instruksional (instructional objective) dengan operasional khas, (3) meruuskan tujuan, (4) mengembangkan alat ukur keberhasilan, (5) menulis naskah media, (6) tes dan revisi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VII J SMPN 17 Surabaya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan angket kebutuhan peserta didik yang memperoleh data proses pengembangan media buku tempel. Teknik validasi, observasi, angket respon, dan tes hasil belajar digunakan untuk memperoleh kualitas media buku tempel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) proses pegembangan media buk tempel , (2) Kualitas media buku tempel yang meliputi kevalidan, keefektifan dan kepraktisan. Data kevalidan media buku tempel dapat dikategorikan “sangat layak” dengan hasil penilaian validasi yang menujukkan rata-rata 84%. Data hasil pengamatan aktivitas guru dalam pembelajaran menceritakan kembali isi fabel dikategorikan “sangat efektif” yang mencapai persentase 81%. Selain itu, aktivitas siswa ketika melaksanakan proses pembelajaran menceritakan kembali isi fabel menggunakan buku tempel dikategorikan “sangat efektif” dengan persentase 83%. Kemudian rata-rata hasil belajar siswa mencapai 85,25. Hal ini termasuk kategori “sangat efektif”. Data mengenai tingkat kepraktisan media buku tempel dikategorikan “sangat praktis ” untuk proses pembelajaran menceritakan kembali isi teks fabel pada kelas VII-J SMP Negeri 17 Surabaya dengan hasil 95,33.
Kata kunci : media, valid, efektif dan praktis
The insertion of scrapbook media is applied to fable text material, in particular to the competence to be able to retell fabulous text content. In the last section there is an image that encourages the pupils to develop their imagination by retelling the content of the fable text they have read. The content of the sticky book corresponds to the performance indicators in the material that retells the content of the fable. In this study, 4 different fable texts were used in each scrapbook that was created. The development research model used in this study is Sadiman's development model, which consists of six phases, namely (1) analyzing the needs of the students, (2) formulating teaching goals with typical operations, (3) defining goals, (4) developing a measure of success, (5) writing a media script, (6) testing and revising. The subjects in this study were Class VII J SMPN 17 Surabaya students. Data collection was done using interview techniques and questionnaires for the needs of students who received data about the process of developing sticky book media. Validation, observation, response questionnaire and learning performance test techniques are used to maintain the quality of the sticky media media. This study aims to describe: (1) the process of developing sticky media, (2) the quality of scrapbook media, which includes validity, effectiveness and practicability. The validity data of sticky book media can be classified as "very feasible", with the results of the validation evaluation giving an average of 84%. Data observations of teacher activities while learning to be able to retell the content of the fable are rated as "very effective" and reach a percentage of 81%. In addition, 83% of student activities in the process of carrying out the learning process, in which the contents of fables are retold using sticky books, are rated as "very effective". Then the students' average learning outcomes reach 85.25. This is included in the "very effective" category. Practicality data from Sticky Media media was rated "very practical" for the learning process of retelling the contents of fable texts in class VII-J by SMP Negeri 17 Surabaya with 95.33 results.
Keywords: media, valid, effective and practical