data shows that the majority of poor people in Indonesia are those who work in
the agricultural sector, which is 51.33% in 2021. This figure is an increase
from the previous year, which was 46.30%. Observation results show that the
average income of rice farmers in Sraturejo Village (Rp.1,843,875,-) is lower
than the UMK in Bojonegoro Regency (Rp.2,079,568.07). The income of farmers
from rice farming continues to decline during 2020-2022 by 3.8% in 2021 and then
decreases again by 4.2% in 2022. Farming costs and income in the agricultural
sector are influenced by external and internal factors. The purpose of this
study was to determine the effect of education level, age, land ownership and
number of children on the income of rice farmers in Sraturejo Village, Baureno
District, Bojonegoro Regency.
research uses quantitative research methods. Sources of data used in this study
are primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained directly through
interviews and observations using a questionnaire. Secondary data was obtained
through books, journals, previous research, and data from related parties. The
population in this study were farmers in Sraturejo Village, amounting to 2,331
people. Samples were taken as many as 50 respondents based on Roscoe Theory.
The data analysis technique used
multiple linear regression analysis through the SPSS (Statistical Product and
Service Solutions) application program.
study shows the results which state that only the variable of land ownership
has a significant effect on the income of rice farmers in Sraturejo Village,
Baureno District, Bojonegoro Regency with a P value of 0.000 (<0.05), while
the variables of education level, age and number of children have no significant
effect on income. rice farmers in Sraturejo Village, Baureno District,
Bojonegoro Regency with a P value of education level is 0.820 (> 0.05), P
value of age is 0.314 (> 0.05), and P value of the number of children is
0.506 (> 0.05).
Keywords : Rice farmers income, education level, age, land ownership, number of