The effect of the media animation films Nussa and Rara on the politeness of children aged 5-6 years
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media film animasi Nussa dan Rara terhadap sikap sopan santun anak usia 5-6 tahun. Subjek penelitian yang diobservasi yaitu kelompok B RA Ar-Rahman Surabaya yang berjumlah 14 anak. Aspek yang diamati yaitu sikap sopan santun anak mengucapkan terima kasih, kata maaf, kata tolong, kata permisi, tidak berbicara dengan suara yang keras ketika pembelajaran berlangsung dan tidak menyela pembicaraan orang lain. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif dengan metode Pre-Experimental Design dengan bentuk One Group Pretest-Posttest melalui pengujian non paramterik Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test. Hasil analisis menggunakan Wilcoxon Match Pairs-Test diperoleh hasil nilai signifikansi atau Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) bernilai 0,001. Nilai 0,001 lebih kecil dari taraf signifikan 0,005, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ha diterima. Artinya terdapat perbedaan antara hasil pre-test dan post-test, terdapat 12 siswa yang mengalami peningkatan hasil dari pre-test ke hasil post-test. Mean rank atau rata-rata peningkatan hasil pre-test ke hasil post-test sebesar 6,50, sedangkan jumlah peringkat positif dapat dilihat pada hasil sum of ranks yaitu sebesar 78, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh media film animasi “Nussa dan Rara” terhadap sikap sopan santun anak usia 5-6 tahun kelompok B di RA Ar-Rahman Surabaya.
Kata kunci: Media Film Animasi Nussa dan Rara, Sopan Santun Anak, Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test
This study aims to determine the effect of the media animation films Nussa and Rara on the politeness of children aged 5-6 years. The research subjects observed were group B RA Ar-Rahman Surabaya, which consisted of 14 children. The aspects observed were the politeness of the child saying thank you, saying sorry, saying please, saying excuse me, not speaking loudly when learning took place and not interrupting other people's conversations. The research approach used is quantitative with the Pre-Experimental Design method in the form of One Group Pretest-Posttest through the non-parametric Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test. The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test obtained a significance value, or Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed), worth 0.001.The value of 0.001 is smaller than the significant level of 0.005, so it can be concluded that Ha is accepted. This means that there is a difference between the results of the pre-test and post-test; there are 12 students who experience an increase in results from the pre-test to the post-test results. The average rating or the average increase in the results of the pre-test to the post-test results is 6.50, while the number of positive ratings can be seen in the sum of the ratings, which is 78, so it can be interpreted that there is influence from the media of the animated film "Nussa and Rara" on the politeness of group B children aged 5–6 years at RA Ar-Rahman Surabaya.
Keywords: Child Manners, Nussa and Rara Animated Film Media, Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test