Sarana belajar mahasiswa yang dimiliki bengkel otomotif Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik UNESA belum terpenuhi secara maksimal. Masih terjadi kurang sinkron antara kondisi di kampus dengan kondisi teknologi kendaraan yang berkembang saat ini. Di sisi lain, informasi teknologi terbaru kendaraan roda dua maupun roda empat dapat kita lihat pada brosur kendaraan. Dengan membaca spesifikasi yang terdapat pada brosur kendaraan, kita akan mengetahui informasi teknologi terbaru yang digunakan. Dari permasalahan dan kondisi yang ada, peneliti membuat media pembelajaran yang diintegrasikan dari brosur kendaraan dan berbantuan media online berupa modul ajar yang berjudul “Perkembangan Teknologi Otomotif (Sistem Rem, Sistem Transmisi, dan Sistem Kemudi)” sebagai penunjang agar proses pembelajaran lebih efektif dan mampu menjadi alternatif dalam mengatasi keterbatasan sarana belajar mahasiswa.
Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D (four D model) yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu: (1) penetapan (Define), (2) perancangan (Design), (3) pengembangan (Develop), dan (4) penyebaran (Disseminate). Pada penelitian ini, hanya sampai pada tahap ke 3 (Develop). Subyek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa D3 Teknik Mesin yang mengikuti Mata Kuliah Konstruksi dan Stabilitas Kendaraan. Instrumen penelitian digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data berupa lembar angket validasi modul dan lembar angket respon mahasiswa.
Hasil rekapitulasi validasi dosen-dosen ahli menyatakan modul ajar Perkembangan Teknologi Otomotif sangat layak digunakan pada Mata Kuliah Konstruksi dan Stabilitas Kendaraan yaitu sebesar 3,47 atau 87%. Respon mahasiswa setelah menggunakan modul pengembangan yaitu sebesar 89,8% dengan kategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul ajar yang dikembangkan sangat layak dan dapat digunakan dalam perkuliahan Konstruksi dan Stabilitas Kendaraan.
Student learning facilities owned by automotive workshops at the UNESA Faculty of Engineering's Mechanical Engineering Department have not been fully fulfilled. There is still a lack of synchronization between conditions on campus and the current technological conditions of vehicles. On the other hand, information on the latest technology for two-wheeled vehicles and four-wheeled vehicles can be seen in the vehicle brochure. By reading the specifications contained in the vehicle brochure, we will find out the latest technology information that is used. From the existing problems and conditions, the researcher made learning media integrated from vehicle brochures and assisted online media in the form of teaching modules entitled "Development of Automotive Technology (Brake Systems, Transmission Systems, and Steering Systems)" as a support so that the learning process is more effective become an alternative in overcoming the limitations of student learning facilities.
This study uses a 4-D development model (four D models) which consists of 4 stages, namely: (1) determination (Define), (2) design (Design), (3) development (Develop), and (4) deployment ( Disseminate). In this study, only arrived at stage 3 (Develop). The research subjects were D3 Mechanical Engineering students who participated in Construction Courses and Vehicle Stability. The research instrument was used to collect data in the form of module validation questionnaire sheets and student response questionnaire sheets.
The results of the validation recapitulation of expert lecturers stated that the teaching module on Automotive Technology Development is very feasible to use in the Construction Course and Vehicle Stability, which is 3.47 or 87%. Student responses after using the development module are 89.8% with very good categories. Based on these results it can be concluded that the teaching module developed is very feasible and can be used in the Construction and Vehicle Stability lectures..
Keyword: Vehicle Brochure, Teaching Module, 4-D Development Model, Module Validation, and Student Response.