( Between Senior
High School Student 16 Surabaya and Senior High School 1 Jogorogo )
Name :
Teguh Sholikin
Study Program :
S1 Sports Coaching Education
: Sports Coaching Education
Faculty y : Faculty of Sports Sciences
Name of f Institution : State e University y Of Surabaya
Advisor :
Dr. Oce Wiriawan, M.Kes.
VO2 Max is
the ability is the heart and lung of supply oxygen throughout they body for
along periode of times, so VO2 Max
is very important for everyone not without exception for sports
athletes. According to the theory conveyed, VO2 Max can also be called the maximum consumption of
oxygen or maximum oxygen uptake or aerobic capacity which means maximum the
capacity of the maximum is the body to
obtain and us oxygen durin increased exercises, thus indicating one's physical
fitness. Lowland is a stretch of land with a height level measured from sea
level up to 200 meters above sea level. This term is applied to any area with a
wide expanse and is relatively flat, so much air pressure that there is a lot
of oxygen. The plateau is a plain located at an altitude above 700 meters above
sea level. Large plains that are located in high areas or mountains are called
high altitude low air so that oxygen is only small. The majority of the
highland areas are plantation and forestry areas so that the air temperature in
the area tends to be cool and the majority of the population works as a
planter/farmer. The purpose of this studys was to determinen the
difference the levels of VO2 Max
student viewed from lowland and highland areas, namely Comparison of VO2 Max Students who
followed Futsal Extracurricular in Lowland and Plateau Areas ( Between Senior High School Student 16 Surabaya and Senios
High School 1 Jogorogo ). The type of research used is comparative research with a quantitative approach, included in the category
of Non-Experimental research. The samples used were student is class XI and X
who participated of futsal extracurricular activities consisting of 2 schools,
namely SMAN 16 Surabaya, which was in a lowland area consisting of 15 students
and Senior High School 1 Jogorogo located in a highland area consisting of 15
students. Retrieval of data in this study using the MFT test (Multistage Fitness Test). The results of this study obtained significant
differences with the results of the t test indicating that the VO2 Max value is 3.082 (t
count)> 2.786 (t table) and significant value (0.106)> α (0.05) that a Ha
is accepteds, which means there are differences significant betwen of the level
of VO2 Max students
who follow extrafutsals between low-lying areas and highland areas. The
conclusion of this study is that there are significant differences in the level
of VO2 Max between student of 16th State High School
Surabaya and Jogorogo 1 Public High School, where from the results of thelevel
of research the VO2 Max Jogorogo
Public High School students were better than the students of Surabaya 16 High
Keywords: VO2 Max, Futsal Extracurricular, Lowland and Plateau