this modern era, technological developments in the field of shipping welding
are progressing and rapidly. The construction of ships that are strong and
sturdy is very important, therefore it is necessary to choose materials and
good welding. The shipping accident investigation data for 2010-2016 according
to the NTSC, 54 ships had accidents. A drowning accident of 24%, fire/exploded of 35%, collision of 31%, aground of 6%,
and other of 4% . In this study, the author wants to conduct research on
welding of ASTM A36 steel material which is often used in ship construction.
The research method used is experiment.
Welding uses SMAW type welding with variations in the strength of the welding
current and the angle of the weld seam. The amount of current used is 70 A, 85
A, and 100 A, while the variation of the angle of the weld seam is 55° and 75°.
The results of the study will be interpreted using statistical methods of the
type anova (Analysis of Variance) and t-test on 24 specimens that will be
subjected to impact testing and micro structure photos. Welding was carried out
in a welding workshop at the State University of Surabaya, while the specimens
were tested at the State University of Malang.
The highest impact value was obtained
on the specimen with a double V seam angle variation of 55 with a welding
current of 100 Ampere with an impact value of 2.05 Joules/mm². Meanwhile, the
lowest value was obtained in the specimen with a double V seam angle variation
of 75˚ with a welding current of 70 Ampere with an impact value of 1.05 Joules/
mm². On the impact strength, it can be concluded that the higher the welding
current used, the higher the toughness value obtained, but after reaching the
maximum toughness point, the toughness value will decrease again at the next
application of the current strength level. The greater the angle of the weld
seam used, the lower the toughness of the material. The results of the
microstructure show the ferrite, cementite and pearlite phases. The higher the
welding current, the coarse pearlite grains are seen, which is dominated by
ferrite, which shows the material is soft/ductile. The greater the angle of the
weld seam, the finer the pearlite grains are, dominated by cementite, which
indicates the material is hard/brittle.
Keywords: SMAW
Welding, Variation of Current Strength, Large Variation of Joint Angle, Impact
Strength, Microstructure Photos, ASTM 36 Steel