Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana guru memasukkan kempuan higher order thinking di dalam pengajaran berbicara akademis pada mahasiswa serta menunjukkan bukti bahwa siswa telah memasukkan kemampuan higher order thinking didalam kegiatan berbicara akademis. Penjelasan kemampuan higher order thinking tersebut berdasarkan teori Saifer (2018).
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini menyelidiki proses belajar dan mengajar berbicara dimana focus pada pemasukan kemampuan higher order thinking. Investigasi yang telah dilakukan oleh partisipan dalam situasi di kelas dalam keadaan alami. Data dalam penelitian ini meliputi pengajaran guru yang memasukkan kemampuan higher order thinking ketika mengajar berbicara akademis pada mahasasiswa. Data selanjutnya adalah penampilan siswa dalam berbicara akademis sebagai bukti bahwa guru telah menggunakan salah satu strategi yang memasukkan kemampuan higher order thinking. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah guru pengajar berbicara akademis dan siswa 20 mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang mengambil kelas berbicara akademis. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan seluruh data selama lebih dari satu bulan selama bulan September sampai Oktober.
Temuan pada studi ini yaitu guru telas memasukkan kemampuan higher order thinking dalam pengajaran berbicara akademis menggunakan strategi pertanyaan. Critical thinking atau kemampuan berfikir kritis yang dimasukkan guru dalam pengajaran berbicara akademis antara lain kemampuan parse, evaluate, infer, shift perspective and transfer. Sedangkan creative thinking atau kemampuan berfikir kreatif berupa imagine, interpret, theorize, reframe and generate skills. Kegiatan memasukkan kemampuan higher order thinking telah dilakukan dalam kegiatan berbicara akademis, antara lain presentasi, diskusi dan debat. Terkait penampilan mahasiswa dalam berbicara akademis, mahasiswa memasukkan kemampuan higher order thinking saat mengutarakan ide dalam kegiatan akademis, antara lain presentasi, diskusi dan debat. Dalam kegiatan tersebut, siswa menunjukkan kemampuan berbicara akademis dengan penuh percaya diri. Siswa tidak hanya mendapat ilmu berbicara dari guru, namun juga mampu berbicara akademis dengan memasukkan higher order thinking.
Kesimpulannya, guru memasukkan higher order thinking ketika mengajar berbicara akademis pada mahasiswa. Siswa juga menunjukkan kemampuan higher order thinking mereka dalam menampilkan berbicara akademis. Memasukkan higher order thinking dalam proses belajar mengajar dapat memberikan dampak positif pada kepercayaan diri mahasiswa dalam mengungkapkan ide secara lisan.
Kata Kunci: Higher order thinking skills, Berbicara Akademik; Mahasiswa S1.
This study aims to reveal how the teacher incorporates higher order thinking skills in teaching academic speaking for university students and to show the evidence of higher order thinking skills in students’ academic speaking performance when certain strategy is used by teacher. Furthermore, the explanation of higher order thinking skills were based on Saifer taxonomy (2018).
This study is a qualitative study. It investigates the process of teaching and learning speaking which focus on incorporation higher order thinking skills. The investigation done by participants in natural setting in the classroom. The data were teacher’s actions in infusing higher order thinking skills while teaching speaking and students’ speaking performance as the evidence of infusion HOTS when the teacher used certain strategy. The research participant involved teacher of speaking classroom and 20 students English education department. The researcher conducted observation to gather the data over one month from September to October 2019.
The findings of the study are the teacher did infusion of higher order thinking skills in terms of critical thinking and creative thinking skill using questioning strategy. Critical thinking skills that the teacher infused are parse, evaluate, infer, shift perspective and transfer skills. Meanwhile, the creative thinking skills are imagine, interpret, theorize, reframe and generate skills. The incorporation of HOTS conducted in academic activities. Such as, presentation, discussion and debate. In relation to speaking performance, the students have employed higher order thinking skills that the teacher infused. During presentation, discussion, and debate, the students’ showed HOTS in speaking confidently. The students are not only get the knowledge from the teacher, but also they have a chance to improve their thinking skills. It can be proven from students’ speaking performance in this study.
In conclusion, higher order thinking occurred in teaching speaking of undergraduate students. Not only the teachers can infuse them, but the also the students can employ higher order thinking skills in their speaking performance. The infusion of higher order thinking skills by the teacher give positive impact to students’ speaking performance. The students are questioned in terms of employing higher order thinking skills in delivering speaking. The evidences prove that students are able to do so.
Keywords: Higher order thinking skills, academic Speaking, undergraduate students.