This research aimed
to produce a scientific literacy student worksheets on digestive system to train critical thinking skills that
are valid, practical, and effective. This research used 4D development model
(define, design, develop , and disseminate ) , but disseminate stage was not carried
out . This research limited
trial on 16 eleventh-grade students of SMAN Jogoroto Jombang. The design of
this research used one group pretest-posttest. Data of this research obtained
through validation method, observation, test, and questionnaires. The validation method used to determine
the feasibility of student worksheets that developed based on validators assessment.
The observation method used to observe the activities of students using student
worksheets that developed during the learning process. The test method used to
find out the completeness of learning indicators that contain aspects of
critical thinking skills and the completeness of student’s learning outcome.
The questionairres method used to find out student’s responses to the student
worksheets that developed. The research result were analyzed descriptively
quantitative and qualitative. The result of this research showed that (a)
scientific literacy worksheets that developed was categorically very valid with
the score was 3,89, (b) the implementation of student activities when using the
scientific literacy student worksheets obtained a score percentage of 91,07%
with a very practical category, (c) the completeness of the learning indicators with critical thinking aspect
interpretation, analysis, explanation, and inference obtained percentage s
of 90,28%, 75% , 81,25%, and 87,50% with
item sensitivity was categorically sensitive, (d) students
gave a very positive response to the scientific literacy worksheets. The resume
of this research showed that scientific literacy worksheets on the digestive
system that developed were fe a sible to train
student’s critical thinking skills.
Keywords :
student worksheets, scientific literacy, critical thinking skills, digestive