Developments in this digital era have emerged in various ways to look attractive with changing clothing
styles, one of which is the existence of the local brand Cutoff which has become a fashion alternative
among today's society. Cutoff is here to present a life daily wear product concept, where this product
can be enjoyed by all groups. However, the marketing carried out is still not comprehensive and
organized, so that there are still many people who are still not familiar with this brand. This design
aims to design a product photo to be presented to consumers with an attractive and enjoyable visual
appearance, so that people can know the type and form of products from this local brand. Data
collection in this study was carried out using descriptive qualitative methods by applying the Stanford
version of design thinking theory, which has several stages, namely emphatize, define, ideate, prototype,
and test. The results of this design work went through several processes including making a moodboard
with a minimalist concept and photo techniques used, namely flatlay, hero shot, and detailed shoot. The
work resulting from this design is in the form of six product photos based on the moodboard example.
The design of this product photo received a positive response from users where they can now trust
products from this Cutoff brand.
keyword: Cutoff, local brand, photography, Design thinking