Pembuatan Hard Candy Wedang Pokak
Hard Candy Manufacturing With Wedang Pokak Taste
Wedang Pokak merupakanDminuman tradisional berbasis rempah khas JawayTimur.ZMinuman ini berbahan dasar rempah yang memiliki banyak khasiat baik bagi tubuh yaitu bunga lawang dan dilengkapi dengan rempah lainnya yaitu cengkeh, serai, jahe, lada, dan kayu manis. Minuman-ini-juga menggunakan-gula-merah-dan- gula- pasir- sebagai- pemanis alaminya. Salah satu usaha dalam pengembangan dari wedang pokak adalah membuat inovasi lain yaitu permen. Bunga lawang mengandung minyak atsiri (anethole 85-90%), terpen, pektin, tanin, lemak, rasin, limoeonene, safrol, estradol, timokuinon, saponin, glukosida, flavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui resep standart dari permen, mengetahui harga jual permen, uji kesukaan terhadap hasil jadi permen dan mengetahui kandungan zat gizi pada permen. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metodi uji coba sebanyak dua kali. Uji coba pertama dilakukan dengan menggunakan komposisi jahe sebanyak 30 g dan uji coba kedua sebanyak 50 g. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa produk pada uji coba kedua yang menunjukkan sifat organoleptik terbaik. Hasil penelitian permen yang dibuat menghasilkan warna kecoklatan, rasa yang manis, aroma yang khas dan bertekstur keras. Dengan hasil penelitian tingkat kesukaan warna sebesar 77% respon panelis menyatakan suka dengan warna permen. 76% respon panelis menyatakan suka dengan aroma permen, 97% respon panelis menyataka suka dengan rasa permen, 83% respon panelis menyatakan sangat suka dengan tekstur permen. Kandungan gizi permen dalam satu butir permen menghasilkan 26 kkal; protein 0,1 g; lemak 0,05 g; dan karbohidrat 6,6 g; Vit. A 21 mg; Vit. E 0,03 mg; Vit. B1 13 mg; Vit. B2 0,1 mg; Vit. C 1,82 mg. Harga jual permen sebesar Rp. 15.000,- per satu resep.
Wedang Pokak is a traditional spice-based drink typical of East Java. This drink is made from spices that have many good benefits for the body, namely Lawang flower and is equipped with other spices, namely cloves, lemongrass, ginger, pepper, and cinnamon. This drink also uses brown sugar and sugar as its natural sweetener. One of the efforts in the development of wedang pokak is to make another innovation, namely candy. Bunga Lawang contains essential oils (anethole 85-90%), terpenes, pectin, tannins, fats, rasin, limoeonene, safrole, estradol, thymoquinone, saponins, glucosides, flavonoids. This study aims to determine the standard recipe of candy, to know the selling price of candy, to test the preference for the finished candy and to know the nutritional content of the candy. The study was conducted with the trial method twice. The first trial was carried out using the composition of ginger as much as 30 g and the second trial as much as 50 g. The test results showed that the product in the second trial showed the best organoleptic properties. The results of the research on the candy made produce a brownish color, a sweet taste, a distinctive aroma and a hard texture. With the results of the study the level of color preference was 77%, the panelist response stated that they liked the color of candy. 76% of the panelists' responses stated that they liked the smell of candy, 97% of the panelists' responses said that they liked the taste of candy, 83% of the panelists' responses stated that they really liked the texture of the candy. The nutritional content of candy in one candy grain produces 26 kcal; protein 0.1 g; fat 0.05 g; and carbohydrates 6.6 g; Vit. A 21 mg; Vit. E 0.03 mg; Vit. B1 13 mg; Vit. B2 0.1 mg; Vit. C 1.82 mg. The selling price of candy is Rp. 15.000,- per one recipe.