Salah satu faktor yang bisa memberi pengaruh pada kecepatan mendayung yakni terdapatnya kelentukan pinggang serta power otot lengan yang baik, kelentukan dapat memudahkan menambah jangkauan ketika mendayung dan membantu supaya lebih cepat akhirnya atlet bisa mendayung secara baik. Tujuan penelitian agar mengetahui tentang kontribusi kelentukan otot pinggang ataupun kekuatan otot lengan pada kecepatan mendayung perahu naga. Penelitian mempergunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Dalam penelitian yang dijadikan objek penelitian yakni bagaimana literature review dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam kecepatan mendayung perahu naga. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian mempergunakan metode literature review, kemudian pengumpulan data pada penelitian menggunakan sumber-sumber melalui buku teks dan referensi, jurnal ilmiah, serta periodical atau majalah ilmiah yang dikeluarkan dengan berkala oleh lembaga pemerintah maupun swasta. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa ada sejumlah komponen fisik yang harus diperhatikan guna dikembangkan dalam kecepatan mendayung yaitu daya tahan kardiovaskuler, kekuatan, kecepatan, kelentukan, kelincahan, stamina, daya ledak otot, daya tahan kekuatan, serta daya tahan kekuatan. Peneliti juga menemukan ada kontribusi yang berarti antar kelentukan otot lengan dengan otot pinggang pada kecepatan mendayung perahu naga. Selain itu juga diketahui bahwa terdapat sejumlah faktor lain yang memberi pengaruh pada laju kecepatan/prestasi terkhusus mendayung yakni (1) faktor dari alam (arus serta kuatnya angin), (2) faktor dari pedayung mencakup teknik yang dipunyai. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kontribusi kelentukan otot pinggang dan otot lengan sangat berpengaruh pada kecepatan mendayung perahu naga atlet dayung putra & putri.
One of the factors that can affect rowing speed is the flexibility of the waist and good arm muscle power. The physical element of flexibility can help increase the range when rowing and help the frequency to be faster so that the athlete can row well, flexibility can help increase reach when rowing. and helps the frequency to be faster so that the athlete can row well. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of waist muscle flexibility and arm muscle strength to the speed of rowing a dragon boat. This study uses a qualitative research type. In this study, the object of research is how literature review can be implemented in the speed of rowing a dragon boat. The data collection technique in this study was to use the literature review method, so that data collection in this study used sources from reference books, textbooks, scientific journals, as well as periodicals or scientific magazines published regularly by institutions both government and private. The results of this study indicate that there are several physical components that need to be considered to be developed in rowing speed, namely cardiovascular endurance, strength endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, speed, stamina, agility, muscle explosive power, strength endurance. Researchers also found a significant contribution between the flexibility of the waist and arm muscles to rowing speed of the dragon boat. In addition, it is also known that there are several other factors that affect the achievement or speed of speed, especially rowing, namely (1) factors from nature (strong or strong winds and currents), (2) factors from the rowers themselves including the techniques they have. The conclusion of this study is that the contribution of the flexibility of the waist muscles and arm muscles is very influential on the rowing speed of the dragon boat male & female athletes.