Strategy for Improving Trans East Java Bus Service as Mode of Transportation in the Gerbangkertosusila’s Area
Bus Trans Jatim Koridor II merupakan layanan transportasi publik yang diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Jawa Timur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan angkutan di wilayah Gerbangkertosusila dengan metode scrapping layanan Bus Hijau. Masih ditemui permasalahan dalam optimalisasi pelayanan yang diberikan dan diperlukan strategi peningkatan layanan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan strategi peningkatan pelayanan Bus Trans Jatim Koridor II. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Deskriptif Kualitatif dengan Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menggunakan teori David Osborne dan Plastrik berdasarkan 5 indikator yang terdiri dari strategi inti (core strategy), strategi konsekuensi (consequences strategy), strategi pelanggan (customer strategy), strategi pengawasan (controlling strategy), dan strategi budaya (culture strategy.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bus Trans Jatim Koridor II dapat terlaksana dengan baik namun belum maksimal. Indikator strategi inti menunjukkan pelayanan belum maksimal disebabkan Dinas Perhubungan Kota Surabaya dan angkutan eksisting menolak operasional sehingga layanan rute belum terwujud sesuai rencana. Strategi konsekuensi menunjukkan bahwa upaya penciptaan tanggungjawab melalui konsekuensi telah terlaksana namun diperlukan pemberian aturan tertulis terkait rewards. Strategi pelanggan menunjukkan peningkatan layanan telah dilaksanakan dan berjalan namun belum maksimal karena fasilitas halte tidak lengkap dan merata. Strategi pengawasan telah terlaksana dengan baik melalui pengawasan Manajemen Trans Jatim namun diperlukan peninjauan ulang terkait waktu operasional layanan. Strategi budaya telah dimanfaatkan dengan baik melalui upaya peningkatan layanan penggunaan istilah sebagai ikon layanan, kecanggihan teknologi, dan budaya 5S. Oleh karena itu Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Jawa Timur perlu memberbaiki komunikasi dengan Dinas Perhubungan Kota Surabaya dan angkutan eksisting yang menolak operasional Bus Trans Jatim Koridor II, memberikan aturan tertulis terkait rewards, memberikan fasilitas halte yang lengkap dan merata, peninjauan waktu operasional layanan, dan mempertahankan agar budaya dan perilaku organisasi tetap diberlakukan
Kata Kunci: strategi peningkatan, optimalisasi layanan, Trans Jatim Koridor II
Trans Jatim Corridor II is a public transportation service organized by the east Java Provincial Liasison Service to meet the transportation needs in te Gates region with the method of scrapping the Green Bus service. The researchers found that there were problems in the optimization of services provided and the need for a service improvement strategy. The purpose of the research is to analyse and describe the strategy of improving the service of Trans Jatim Bus Corridor II. The research method is Qualitative Descriptive with observation, interviews, and documentation. The researchers used David Osborne and Plastrik`s theory based on five indicators consisting of core strategy, consequences strategy, customer strategy, controlling strategy, and cultural strategy.
The results of research showed that the Trans Bus Jatim Corridor II can be performed well but not maximized. Core strategy indicators indicate that service has not been maximized due to the existing transportation and Surabaya City Liaison Service refusing to operate so that route services have not been realised as planned. The consequences strategy indicates that efforts to create responsibility through consequences have been carried out but there are not writing rules about rewards. Customer strategy indicates that service improvement efforts have been carried out and are ongoing but are not maximized due to incomplete and even stop facilities. The surveillance strategy has been well implemented through the Trans-Tim Management oversight but requires a review related to service operating time. The cultural strategy has been well exploited through efforts to improve services through the use of terms as service icons, technological sophistication, and 5S culture. Therefore, East Java Provincial Transportation Departemen must to improve communication with Surabaya City Liaison Service and existing transportation that rejects operational Trans Jatim Bus Corridor II, provide rules relating to rewards, provide complete and even stop facilities, review the operational timing of trans jatim, and maintain that the culture and behaviour of the organization remain enforced
Keywords: improvement strategy, service optimization, Trans Jatim Corridor II