Comparison Of The Strength Of Corrugated And Non Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile Retaining Walls With The Addition Of Ground Anchor (Case Study Kyo Society Apartment)
Apartemen merupakan bangunan tinggi dimana pelaksanaan konstruksi basement nya perlu memperhatikan dinding penahan tanah. Pemilihan konstruksi didasari oleh kondisi tanah di lokasi proyek. Kedalaman galian dan tebal tanah soft soil yang dalam cocok jika menggunakan tipe secant pile, namun memerlukan waktu pengerjaan yang lama dan sering kali proses pemasangannya yang tidak merata. Alternatif pemilihan dinding penahan tanah lain yaitu sheet pile dengan penambahan ground anchor. Hasil penelitian ini direncanakan 2 buah ground anchor yang dipasang jarak 1 meter. Panjang ground anchor pertama 17 meter dan 21 meter untuk ground anchor kedua. ground anchor pertama mampu menahan gaya sebesar 869,745 kN/m dan 2.012,542 kN/m untuk ground anchor kedua. Dengan diameter grouting 0,3 meter dan dipasang 9 strand. Momen maksimum yang bekerja pada sheet pile sebesar 518,13 kN/m dan profil yang digunakan adalah corrugated concrete sheet pile class W 450-B dengan momen nominal 646,03 kN/m dengan panjang dinding 17 m.
An apartment is a tall building where the construction of the basement requires careful attention to the retaining walls. The choice of construction method depends on the soil conditions at the project site. Deep excavations and thick layers of soft soil are suitable for the use of secant pile systems, although this method often requires a longer time for completion and can result in uneven installation. An alternative to the retaining wall system is the use of a sheet pile with the addition of ground anchor. The study planned for two ground anchor to be installed 1 meter apart. The first ground anchor has a length of 17 meters, and the second one is 21 meters. The first ground anchor is capable of withstanding a force of 869,745 kN/m, and the second one can hold a force of 2.012,542 kN/m. With a grouting diameter of 0.3 meters, 9 strands are installed. The maximum moment acting on the sheet pile is 518,13 kN/m, and the profile used is a corrugated concrete sheet pile class W 450-B with a nominal moment of 646,03 kN/m and a wall length of 17 meters.