Mitos Ngenani Wewaler Jejodhoan Ngalor-Ngulon ing Kecamatan Prambon Kabupaten Nganjuk (Tintingan Folklor)
Myth Of The Forbidden Law Of Marriage From Opposite Direction In The Prambon District Nganjuk Regency ( Folklore study)
Mitos larangan menikah arah ke utara dan barat ini ada semenjak jaman terdahulu yang tidak bias
diketahui waktu yang pas. Sebagian berfikir bahwa mitos ini berasal dari rasa dendam masyrakat Majapahit kepada masyarakat Mataram ketika berdirinya kerajaan mataram islam. Sampai sekarang mitos ini masih dipercaya dan dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat Kecamatan Prambon. Masyarakat percaya siapa yang melanggar larangan ini bakal memperoleh beberapa musibah dalam hidupnya, maka dari itu mitos ini masih dijaga dan dipercaya.
Mitos larangan menikah arah keutara dan barat ini dianalisis tentang bagaimana wujudnya yang berkembang ditengah masyarakat pendukungnya, musibah apa yang didapat dan apa yang harus dilakukan supaya tidak tertimpa musibah juga fungsi mitos didalam masyarakat. Tujuannya supaya mengerti apa saja yang menjadi mitos ini, apa musibah yang didapat dan bagaimana menghadainya dan juga fungsi dalam masyarakat dan siapa masyarakat pendukungnya. Mitos ini termasuk kedalam folklor ya ng berkembang di Kecamatan Prambon, untuk itu teori yang digunakan adalah teori folklor. Metode deskriptif kualitatif dirasa paling bias menggambarkan keadaan lapangan penelitian. Peneliti meneliti dari semua kenyataan tuturan dari narasumber, pelaku dan juga masyarakat.
Wujud dari mitos ini sendiri ada 4 yaitu pancer lanang, pancer wadon, satriya manah, dan juga asal mula mitos ini berkembang. Pendapat narasumber ada 6 jenis masyarakat pendukung yaitu (1) masyarakat yang paham akan larangan dan tidak melakukannya, (2) masyarakat yang tidak paham dan tidak melakukannya, (3) masyarakat yang melakukan awal mulanya tidak paham kemudian menjadi paham, (4) masyarakat yang melakukan awalnya paham kemudian tidak mau mengerti, (5) masyarakat yang tidak melakukan awalnya tidak paham kemudian menjadi paham, (6) masyarakat yang tidak melakukan awalnya tidak paham ahirnya memahami dan mengerti.
Myth of forbidden marriage tradition whether the bride and the groom comes from opposite home direction had been believed from no time in the past until now. People belief that this myth is caused by the the hatred feelings of Majapahit residences toward Mataram residences because of Moslem Mataram kingdom was risen. In the present time, the myth has been followed and believed by the people of Prmbon district. The people of prambon believed that if they did not follow the myth they will get problem in their life marriage, so that the myth is become unspoken rule that has been followed.
Myth of forbidden marriage tradition has been analyzed of its development on the people that followed the myth, ways of tradition to avoid problems in the marriage life if they crossed the myth and the myth’s benefit for the half of society. In order to determine what conditions that can caused the myth, how is the myth beliefs and traditions among the people and who are the people that can be considered that follow the myth in their tradition. The myth is considered as the folklore which is belived in Prambon district, because of this reason the researcher has been used folklore theories in order to investigate this problem. The researcher believed by using descriptive qualitative methods, the researcher can explore more about the myth in the research field. The researcher studies about all the source of information from the people as the research subjects, their behaviours and their society.
The result of the myth studies indicate that there are four condition that can be considered as the myth category those are pancer lanang, pancer wadon, satriya manah and some conditions outside the myth rules. Based on the research subjects there were 8 residences that can be considered that are believed this myth those are (1) the people that do not do the myth rules but know the myth rules (2) the people that do the myth rules but knowing the myth rules (3) the people that do the myth rules but at the first time were not knowing the myth rules, but then understand the myth rules as well after doing the traditions (4) the people that followed the myth rules but in the end do not understand the myth (5) the people that do noy followed the myth rules and in the end do not understand the myth (6) the people that do not followed the myth rules but and do not understand the myth also do not intend to understand the myth rules as well.
Keywords: myth, marriage, opposite house direction, folklore