Isolation and Characterization of Cellulolytic Fungi in Fermetodege: Fermented Feed Made from a Mixture of Water Hyacinth, Rice Bran, and Corn Cob
Jamur selulolitik berperan dalam proses degradasi bahan yang mengandung selulosa seperti eceng gondok, bekatul padi, dan tongkol jagung yang merupakan campuran bahan pakan fermentasi dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh isolat jamur selulolitik dan mendeskripsikan karakterisitik isolat jamur yang diisolasi dari fermetodege serta aktivitas selulolitik isolat jamur yang mampu mendegradasi media carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Isolasi jamur menggunakan media potato dextrose agar (PDA) dengan metode pour plate. Isolat jamur diseleksi dengan menumbuhkan di media CMC dan diamati terbentuknya zona bening di sekitar koloni setelah diwarnai dengan Congo red 0,1%. Indeks selulolitik isolat jamur dihitung berdasarkan perbandingan antara diameter zona bening dan diameter koloni jamur. Karakterisasi dilakukan dengan pengamatan morfologi koloni secara makroskopis serta pengamatan mikroskopis. Hasil isolasi diperoleh 9 isolat jamur selulolitik dengan 3 isolat jamur memiliki indeks selulolitik berkategori sedang (1≤indeks≤2) yaitu JPS1, JPS2, dan JPS9, sementara 6 isolat jamur dengan indeks selulolitik kategori rendah (indeks<1) antara lain JPS3, JPS4, JPS5, JPS6, JPS7, dan JPS8. Kesembilan isolat jamur selulolitik dikarakterisasi termasuk genus Aspergillus (JPS1, JPS2, JPS5, JPS7, JPS8, dan JPS9), Rhizopus (JPS3), Mucor (JPS4), dan Penicillium (JPS6). Isolat jamur selulolitik yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini berpotensi dikembangkan lebih lanjut sebagai kandidat inokulum pada proses fermentasi bahan selulosik, seperti untuk pembuatan pakan fermentasi, produksi selulase dan bioetanol.
Cellulolytic fungi play a role in the process of degradation of materials containing cellulose such as water hyacinth, rice bran, and corn cob which are a mixture of fermented feed ingredients in this study. This study aims to obtain cellulolytic fungal isolates and to describe the characteristics of the fungal isolates isolated from fermetodege as well as the cellulolytic activity of fungal isolates which can degrade carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) media. Isolation of fungi using potato dextrose agar (PDA) with pour plate method. Fungal isolates were selected by growing on CMC media and observed the formation of clear zone around the colony after staining with 0.1% Congo red. The cellulolytic index of fungal isolates was calculated based on the ratio between the clear zone diameter and the diameter of the fungal colony. Characterization was carried out by observing colony morphology in macroscopic and microscopic observations. The isolation results obtained 9 cellulolytic fungal isolates with 3 fungal isolates having medium cellulolytic index (1≤index≤2), namely JPS1, JPS2, and JPS9, while 6 fungal isolates with low category cellulolytic index (index<1) include JPS3, JPS4, JPS5, JPS6, JPS7, and JPS8. The nine isolates of cellulolytic fungi were characterized including the genera Aspergillus (JPS1, JPS2, JPS5, JPS7, JPS8, and JPS9), Rhizopus (JPS3), Mucor (JPS4), and Penicillium (JPS6). Cellulolytic fungal isolates obtained in this study have the potential to be further developed as inoculum candidates in the fermentation process of cellulosic materials, such as for the manufacture of fermented feed, cellulase, and bioethanol production.