Kondisi fisik memegang peranan yang sangat penting untuk menunjang sebuah prestasi pada setiap cabang olahraga, dengan sebuah program yang harus direncanakan secara baik dan sistematis sesuai dengan kebutuhan cabor. Kondisi fisik merupakan salah satu dari keempat pilar prestasi olahraga yang menjadi tolak ukur meningkatnya sebuah prestasi cabor. Futsal adalah sebuah olahraga yang dimainkan dalam ruangan yang berukuran kecil berbeda dengan sepakbola, dan tujuannya untuk meraih kemenangan dengan cara mencetak gol ke gawang lawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjadi tolak ukur kenaikan kondisi fisik atlet Futsal Puslatda Jawa Timur dalam persiapan menuju event PON XX PAPUA 2021 nantinya. Dengan jumlah sampel sesuai atlet Puslatda Futsal Jawa Timur yaitu 14 atlet. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian terdapat beberapa item tes yang memperoleh nilai rata-rata dan persentase seperti, item tes Sit up memperoleh nilai rata-rata 46.71 kali dengan persentase 93.43%, item tes 3RM Single leg squat memperoleh nilai rata-rata bagian kanan 9.29 kg dengan persentase 61.90% dan bagian kiri 8.57 kg dengan persentase 57.14%, item tes Bronco memperoleh nilai rata-rata 5.86 menit dengan persentase 97.73%, item tes Square Jump memperoleh nilai rata-rata 28.07 kali dengan persentase 93.57%, item tes Chin up memperoleh nilai rata-rata 9.643 kali dengan persentase 96.43%, item tes Sprint 20 meter memperoleh nilai rata-rata 2.98 detik dengan persentase 99.48%, item tes Illinois memperoleh nilai rata-rata 14.96 detik dengan persentase 99.75%, item tes Hamstring memperoleh nilai rata-rata 1.643 kali dengan persentase 32.86%, item tes Russian twist memperoleh nilai rata-rata 8.41 detik dengan persentase 95.18%, item tes Hover/plank memperoleh nilai rata-rata bagian depan 120 detik dengan persentase 100.00%, bagian kanan 60 detik dengan persentase 100.00%, dan bagian kiri 60 detik dengan persentase 100.00%, item tes Ankle Flexibility memperoleh nilai rata-rata bagian kanan 13.14 cm dengan persentase 87.62% dan bagian kiri 13.29 cm dengan persentase 88.57%, item tes Sit and reach memperoleh nilai rata-rata 23.5 cm dengan persentase 117.50%. dari kesimpulan nilai rata-rata kondisi fisik atlet futsal Puslatda Jawa timur keseluruhan mendapatkan nilai bagus, tetapi ada beberapa item yang harus ditingkatkan seperti item tes Hamstring dan Single leg squat.
Kata kunci : Futsal, Kondisi Fisik, Puslatda Jatim
Physical condition plays a very important role to support achievement in every sport, with a program that must be planned properly and systematically according to the needs of the sport. Physical condition is one of the four pillars of sports achievement which is the benchmark for increasing sports achievement. Futsal is a sport that is played in a small room, different from football, and the goal is to win by scoring goals against your opponent's goal. This study aims to become a measure of the improvement in the physical condition of the East Java Puslatda Futsal athletes in preparation for the PON XX PAPUA 2021 event later. With the number of samples according to East Java Puslatda Futsal athletes, namely 14 athletes. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Based on the results of the study, there were several test items that obtained average and percentage values such as the Sit up test item obtaining an average value of 46.71 times with a percentage of 93.43%, the 3RM Single leg squat test item obtained an average value of the right side of 9.29 kg with percentage of 61.90% and the left part of 8.57 kg with a percentage of 57.14%, the Bronco test item obtained an average value of 5.86 minutes with a percentage of 97.73%, the Square Jump test item received an average value of 28.07 times with a percentage of 93.57%, the Chin up test item obtained a value an average of 9,643 times with a percentage of 96.43%, the 20 meter Sprint test item obtained an average value of 2.98 seconds with a percentage of 99.48%, the Illinois test item obtained an average value of 14.96 seconds with a percentage of 99.75%, the Hamstring test item obtained an average value 1,643 times with a percentage of 32.86%, the Russian twist test item scored an average value of 8.41 seconds with a percentage of 95.18%, the Hover / plank test item scored an average front part of 1 20 seconds with a percentage of 100.00%, the right part is 60 seconds with a percentage of 100.00%, and the left part is 60 seconds with a percentage of 100.00%, the Ankle Flexibility test item obtained an average value of the right part of 13.14 cm with a percentage of 87.62% and the left part of 13.29 cm with a percentage 88.57%, the Sit and Reach test item obtained an average value of 23.5 cm with a percentage of 117.50%. From the conclusion, the average physical condition of the East Java Puslatda Futsal athletes, the overall score is good, but there are several items that need to be improved, such as the Hamstring and Single leg squat test items.
Keywords : Futsal, Physical condition, Puslatda Jatim