Name : Savira Aishah Ramadhani
NIM : 15020774021
Study Program : Mandarin Language Education
Faculty : Faculty of Language and Art
Institution Name : State University of Surabaya
Advisor : Prof. Dr. Subandi, S.Pd., M.A.
Keywords : Rope board media, compose simplified Chinese sentences
Mandarin language is one of many languages that are difficult to learn, the grammar is a little different from Indonesian. Therefore for beginners it is considered difficult, as the same a case for students of class X Pharmacy 2 who are still having trouble learning to write simple sentences in Mandarin.
This research was doing at SMK Bhakti Indonesia Medika Jombang Academic Year 2019/2020. The purpose of this research is to describe the application, influence and response the use of rope boards media in learning to compose simple Chinese sentences in class X Pharmacy 2.
The type of this research is a experimental research. This research uses a quantitative approach that involves two groups of respondents namely experimental group and control group. The population in this research were students of class X Pharmacy 2 and X Pharmacy 1. While the research sample, namely Pharmacy X class 2 as an experimental class and Pharmacy X 1 as a control class. The form of research design used in this study is to use pretest-posttest control group design, which is to find out how student learning outcomes before and after using rope board media.
To answer the first problem formulation, namely the use of rope board media to the ability to compose simple Chinese sentences, the researcher used teacher and student activity observation sheets. The results obtained from the observation of teacher activity in the first and second meetings in the control class were 85.71% and 86.9%. While student observations at the first and second meetings in the control class obtained a percentage of 68.75% and 75%. Based on the results of the teacher's observations at the first and second meetings in the experimental class, the percentage was 84.52% and 82.14%. While the results of observations of student activity in the experimental class obtained a percentage of 75% and 83.33%. The results of observations of teacher and student activities in both control and experimental classes at the two meetings were in the good category. To answer the second problem formulation, namely the effect of using rope board media on the ability to compose simple Chinese sentences is calculated using the t-significance formula. Based on the results of calculations using the t-significance level of 5% significance, obtained t table 2.010. It is known that to is greater than ts (9.67 ≥ 2.010), so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that there is a positive influence and significant changes in the posttest scores of the experimental class after the implementation of the rope board media. Finally, to answer the formulation of the third problem, namely the student's response to the use of rope board learning media for the ability to compose simple Chinese sentences, the researcher used a questionnaire. The results of the student response questionnaire analysis in terms of the aspect of understanding the material 3 out of 8 statement items indicated the "good" category according to the Likert scale of 61% -80%. From the motivation aspect, 2 out of 8 statements indicate the "good" category according to the Likert scale of 61% -80%. Meanwhile, from the aspect of using rope board media, 3 out of 8 statement items are also in the "good" category in accordance with the percentage of 61-80%. It was concluded that the use of rope board media in learning to compose simple Chinese sentences received a good response from students.