Perancangan Motion Comic untuk Kegiatan Ibadah Online Sekolah Minggu HKBP Lontar
Motion Comic Design for HKBP Lontar Sunday School Activity
Pandemi Covid memberi dampak dalam kehidupan manusia, salah satunya dalam hal bekerja, sekolah dan bahkan beribadah, termasuk ibadah pada umat Kristiani, hal ini dikarenakan adanya larangan untuk berkerumun dan salah satunya di rumah ibadah. Gereja HKBP Lontar sendiri menerapkan ibadah daring sebagai solusi agar jemaat gereja bisa beribadah tanpa perlu datang ke gereja, terutama anak-anak dimana bagi umat beragama pendidikan agama sangat diperlukan dari kecil agar perilakunya sesuai dengan ajaran agamanya, namun sayangnya tidak semua anak-anak memperhatikan sesi khotbah dalam kegiatan ibadah daring Sekolah Minggu, hal tersebut dibuktikan melalui jawaban responden, dimana mayoritas responden (75%) berpendapat jika ibadah daring Sekolah Minggu tidak menarik perhatian anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang motion comic sebagai cara agar anak-anak tertarik mengikuti sesi cerita (khotbah) di Ibadah daring Sekolah Minggu HKBP Lontar. Perancangan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian secara kualitatif, dengan menggunakan angket berupa Google Form, dan dalam perancangannya menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan oleh Sugiyono, dan menghasilkan karya berupa motion comic yang ditampilkan pada saat khotbah dan juga media pendukung berupa background Zoom dan poster untuk disebar ke jemaat melalui Whatsapp dan Instagram.
The Covid pandemic has an impact on human life, one of which is in terms of work, school and even worship, including worship for Christians, this is due to the prohibition on gathering and one of them is in houses of worship. The Lontar HKBP Church itself implements online worship as a solution so that church congregations can worship without the need to come to church, especially children where religious education is very necessary from childhood so that their behavior is in accordance with their religious teachings, but unfortunately not all children pay attention to the session sermons in Sunday School online worship activities, this is evidenced by respondents' answers, where the majority of respondents (75%) think that Sunday School online worship does not attract children's attention. The purpose of this study was to design a motion comic as a way to get children interested in participating in story sessions (sermons) at the online worship service of the HKBP Lontar Sunday School. The design uses a qualitative research approach, using a questionnaire in the form of Google Form, and in its design using research and development methods by Sugiyono, and produces works in the form of motion comics that are displayed during sermons and also supporting media in the form of Zoom backgrounds and posters to be distributed to the congregation through Whatsapp and Instagram.