Green Fashion Identik dengan Paperless
Green Fashion is Identical with Paperless
An effort that can be carried out as an activity to suppress the use of paper in learning activities is the use of application media in the form of glide apps. The purposes of this research are: (1) Knowing the development of glide apps applications (2) The feasibility of glide apps application media in learning competence in making ribbon embroidery. In this study, the model used is the development of AADIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluations) and uses descriptive analysis techniques by collecting data using an instrument in the form of a validation questionnaire to 3 material validators and 3 media validators, this application media validation refers to 2 aspects, namely aspects of software engineering and also aspects of visual communication and using calculations by dividing the total number of results by the maximum result then multiplied by 100%. The results of the validation of the material validator get a percentage of 85.33% including very good qualifications while the validation results on the media validator in the software engineering aspect get 96.29% with very good qualifications and in the visual communication aspect get 94.87% results namely entering the qualifications very well too. concluded from the validation calculations by the material validator and the media validator, the percentage results obtained from all aspects of the assessment were at a percentage of 81%-100% with very good qualifications.