Application Of Decorative Variety Ngganggu Dok On Women's Party Clothing
Ragam hias ngganggu dok merupakan motif tenun dari roteNdao, Nusa Tenggara Timur sebagai inspirasi pembuatan busana pesta wanita. Tujuan dari penulisan ini untuk mengetahui proses penerapan dan hasil jadi ragam hias ngganggu dok pada busana pesta wanita. Metode yang digunakan adalah Double Diamond Design Process, yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan meliputi discover, define, develope, dan deliver. Berdasarkan proses pembuatan ragam hias ngganggu dok dengan menggunakan teknik bordir mengikuti desain dan pola yang telah dibuat. Adanya penyusunan ragam hias ngganggu dok pada busana pesta memudahkan menempatkan motif sesuai dengan desgin. Penempelan motif pada busana pesta dengan cara di jahit jelujur. Ragam hias ngganggu dok ini diterapkan pada busana pesta dengan siluet I yang di kembangkan menjadi busana pesta bersiluet A. Hasil jadi penerapan ragan hias ngganggu dok pada busana pesta wanita secara keseluruhan sesuai dengan prinsip desain harmoni, keseimbangan dan kontras/point of interest.
Kata Kunci: Ragam Hias, Ngganggu Dok, Busana Pesta wanita.
The ornamental variety of disturbing dock is a woven motif from RoteNdao, East Nusa Tenggara as an inspiration for making women's party clothes. The purpose of this paper is to find out the process of applying and the results of decorations that disturb the dock in women's party clothes. The method used is the Double Diamond Design Process, which consists of 4 stages including discover, define, develop, and deliver. Based on the process of making decorations to disturb the dock using embroidery techniques following the designs and patterns that have been made. The arrangement of decorations that interfere with the dock on the party dress makes it easy to place the motif according to the design. Attaching the motif to the party dress by means of a basting. This disturbing decoration style is applied to the party dress with silhouette I which was developed into a silhouette party dress A. The result is the application of the disturbing ornament to the women's party dress as a whole in accordance with the design principles of harmony, balance and contrast/point of interest.
Keywords: Ornamental Variety, Disturbing Doc, Women's Party Clothing.