Kegiatan olahraga dayung sangat dibutuhkan kondisi fisik suatu aktifitas atau Daily Activity seorang atlet juga menjadi faktor utama untuk membentuk kondisi fisik dengan baik dan prima, pada penelitian ini mengkaji tentang dailiy activity dan recovery yang merupakan salah satu sangat penting bagi atlet. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar presentase daily activity dengan tingkat recovery awal setiap atlet dayung sebelum dan sesudah melakukan perogram latihan serta batasan denyut nadi atlet saat latihan dengan masa recovery. Latihan yang berat dapat menimbulkan kadar asam laktat meningkat, melalui recovery maka seorang atlet akan merasakan stamina menjadi maksimal saat melakukan kegiatan latian. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini yakni menggunakan metode survey atau pendekatan deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian atlet puslatda cabang olahraga dayung KONI Jatim berjumlah 14 orang. Teknik pengumpulan menggunakan tes dan pengukuran dengan bantuan alat polar rate, dan pemberian kuisioner dengan hasil penurunan denyut nadi sebesar 8,79%. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini yaitu Terdapat adanya dampak dari kurangnya pengawasan daily activity yaitu akan mempengaruhi denyut nadi latihan atlet dayung ( PJ ) saat melakukan aktivitas latihan dan recovery. Terdapat adanya proses recovery atlet dayung ( PJ ) yang terganggu oleh venues latihan karena tidak memadai. Terdapat adanya perbedaan penurunan denyut jantung (recovery) sehingga mengganggu proses recovery saat istirahat setelah latihan dari beberapa atlet dayung ( PJ ).
Kata Kunci : Analisis, Daily Activity, Recovery Atlet, Dayung, Sport.
Rowing sports activities are very necessary for the physical condition of an activity or the daily activity of an athlete is also a major factor in forming a good and prime physical condition, the physical activity of an athlete in addition to training, rest, namely school, work and other activities. In this study, it examines the activity and recovery dailiy which is one of the most important for athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine how much the percentage of daily activity with the initial recovery rate of each rowing athlete before and after doing the training program and the limit of the athlete's pulse during training with the recovery period. Vigorous exercise can cause lactic acid levels to rise. High levels of lactic acid can cause muscle fatigue, through recovery an athlete will feel the maximum stamina when doing training activities. The method used in this study is to use a survey method or descriptive approach with the research subjects athletes Puslatda rowing KONI East Java totaling 14 people. Data collection techniques in this study used tests and measurements with the help of a polar rate tool, and a questionnaire with a decrease in pulse rate of 8.79%. The conclusion in this study is that there is an impact of the lack of supervision on daily activities that will affect the pulse rate training of rowing athletes (PJ) during training and recovery. There is a recovery process for rowing athletes (PJ) who is interrupted by the venues of training due to inadequate training. There is a difference in the decrease in heart rate (recovery) so that it interferes with the recovery process at rest after training for some rowing athletes (PJ).
Kata Kunci : Analysis Daily Activity and Recovery Process, Rowing, Sport.