Susanti, Wenny Arie Puji. 2019.
Improve Problem Solving Skills on Career
Issues with Creative Problem Solving Techniques Mediated Film for Students of Class IX-L SMP
Negeri 1 Taman Sidoarjo. Thesis, Postgraduate Program in Guidance and Counseling, State University
of Surabaya . Consultans: (i) Dr. Tamsil Muis, M.Pd., and (II) Dr. Endang Pudjiastuti
Sartinah, M.Pd.
Key words: Skills, creative problem solving, career, film.
The aim of this
study describe the application of creative problem solving techniques mediated film
to improve the skills of career problem solving and improvement of career problem solving skills describe with
creative problem solving techniques of media films for students of class IX-L
SMP Negeri 1 Taman.
The type of research used is the Guidance and Counseling Action Research (PTBK) conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely the stages of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Research data were collected through questionnaires, rating scales, observation of teacher and student activities, and interviews. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis. The subjects in this study were 32 students consisting of 11 men and 21 women.
From the analysis results obtained the classical completeness score of
career problem solving skills from cycle I to cycle II by 69% to 94%, showing an increase in career
problem solving skills by 25%. The results of observations of teacher and
student activities in carrying out the steps according to the Service
Implementation Plan achieved completeness ≥ 80%. The results of the interviews showed an increase in the aspects of being happy with the training, the instructions given, the course of the training, the need for techniques to be used and the decreasing obstacles in the training for using creative problem solving techniques with film media.
Related to the objectives, the results of the study show that creative
problem solving techniques with media films to improve career problem solving
skills are carried out through the stages of understanding the problem, creating
ideas and planning solutions/ actions. Career problem solving skills in grade
IX-L students of SMP Negeri 1 Taman Sidoarjo can be improved using creative
problem solving techniques using film.