Perkembangan teknologi Informasi yang kini semakin maju, ternyata membawa dampak pada bidang pendidikan, diantaranya yaitu berubahnya sistem ujian nasional dari Paper Based Test (PBT) menjadi Computer Based Test (CBT). CBT atau yang juga dikenal dengan Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) merupakan sistem ujian yang dilakukan menggunakan komputer sebagai media pelaksanaan ujian. Penerapan UNBK menuai pro dan kontra. Banyak yang mendukung dan menyetujui penerapan UNBK mengingat tujuan positif dan keuntungan yang didapatkan. Namun, masih terdapat kontra terhadap penerapan UNBK, hal ini dikarenakan masih kurangnya persiapan sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya beberapa kendala yang mengganggu berjalannya kegiatan UNBK. Untuk itu diperlukan analisis kesesuaian teknologi sistem UNBK pada/terhadap SMK/SMA.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kesesuaian teknologi pada pelaksanaan UNBK di SMA/SMK di kota Surabaya danbeberapa kabupaten di Jawa Timur serta untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhinya.
Model teori yang digunakan adalah gabungan dari model teori kesesuaian teknologi terhadap tugas (Task Technology Fit) dan model teori sosial kognitif (Social Cognitive Theory) pada variabel Self-Efficacy. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) Pendefinisian Objek Penelitian (2) Studi Literatur (3) Perumusan Masalah (4) Penentuan variabel (5) Pembuatan model konseptual (6) Pembuatan kuesioner (7) Validasi (8) Pengumpulan data (9) Analisis data dan (10) Kesimpulan dan Saran. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) dengan bantuan tool smartPLS versi 3. Responden dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas tiga SMA/SMK di kota Surabaya dan di beberapa kabupaten di Jawa Timur yaitu sebanyak 453 siswa.
Terdapat 8 hipotesis yang berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada keseluruhan responden. Pada responden peserta UNBK SMA/SMK di Surabaya, terdapat 8 hipotesis yang berpengaruh positif dan signifikan. Dan pada reponden peserta UNBK SMA/SMK di kabupaten, terdapat 7 hipotesis yang berpengaruh positif dan signifikan.
Kata Kunci : UNBK, Task Technology Fit, Self Efficacy
The development of Information technology now is more advanced, apparently had an impact on the field of education, including to change the system of national examinations from Paper Based Test (PBT) into a Computer Based Test (CBT). CBT or also known as Computer-Based National Exams (UNBK) is a system test conducted using a computer as a media implementation of the exam. The application UNBK reap the pros and cons. A lot of that support and approve the application UNBK given the purpose of the positive and the gain obtained. However, there are still contra to the adoption of UNBK, it is due to lack of preparation causes some of the obstacles that interfere with the UNBK's activities. It is necessary for the analysis of the suitability of the system technology UNBK in senior high school or vocational high school.
The purpose of this study is to determine the suitability of the technology on the implementation of UNBK in senior high school or vocational high school in Surabaya city and several districts in East Java and to find out what factors that influence it.
Model theory is a combination of the suitability of the technology to the task (Task Technology Fit) model and the theory of social cognitive (Social Cognitive Theory) on the variable of Self-Efficacy. The stages in this research are (1) Defining the object of study (2) Study of literature (3) Formulation of the problem (4) Determination of variables (5) Making a conceptual model (6) Preparation of questionnaire (7) Validation (8) Data collection (9) Data analysis and (10) Conclusions and suggestions. The data analysis technique used is the technique of the analysis of SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) with the help of the tool smartPLS version 3. The respondents of this research are students of third-grade senior high school or vocational high school in the city of Surabaya and several districts in East Java as many as 453 students.
There are 8 hypotheses and significant positive effect on the overall respondents. On the respondent participants UNBK senior high school or vocational high school in Surabaya, there are 8 hypotheses and significant positive effect. And on respondent participants UNBK senior high school or vocational high school in the district, there are 7 hypotheses and significant positive effect.
Keywords: UNBK, Task Technology Fit, Self Efficacy